RiDATA's X Series SSD comes in a small, gold colored box. While there aren't a lot of details on the front, there is a large, plastic window which lets you look inside the box and see what the SSD looks like. The back of the box has a bit more information about the X Series, including a list of features. Inside the box you'll find the drive secured in a plastic tray. Surprisingly, there wasn't any documentation or even a warranty card.

Physical Features:

RiDATA's X Series SSD is pretty well constructed. The drive's outer casing is made out of aluminum. Along with it being strong and durable, it is very lightweight. On top of that, its brushed aluminum finish looks great.

The X Series uses JMicron's JMF612 controller chip. The JMF612 can be found in a number of other consumer SSD's including the Corsair Reactor, Patriot Zephyr, Active Media Predator X7, A-DATA S596 and WD SiliconEdge Blue. Looking at the pictures below, you can see that both sides of the PCB are covered in memory chips. For the X Series, RiDATA opted to use Toshiba's TH58NVD2ETA20 NAND flash chips. The SSD also has a single 64MB Winbond W9751G6JB-25 memory chip that is used for caching.

JMicron's JMF612 controller chip also offers native support for USB 2.0. As you can see, RiDATA has taken full advantage of this feature. The X Series sports a mini USB 2.0 port which allows it to be used as an external drive. This is especially useful if you're looking to clone your laptop's hard drive before installing the SSD.