Silicon Power breathes new life into the memory card market with the announcement of three new card readers. The company aims to enhance the effectiveness and usability of SD and microSD cards across a number of industries. SP’s Mobile, Key, and Combo card readers pack a number of unique features and are ideal solutions for a number of uses.
The Card Reader Advantage
In an age of cloud storage and disappearing physical memory storage solutions, SP stays committed to its customers’ needs. Card readers serve a number of purposes that SD and microSD cards can’t do alone. Card readers allow ease of use connectivity and can also help protect fragile cards from “wear and tear.” Without the card reader, the card alone is subject to damage. The new line of card readers are hot swap ready, so users can take out their cards without having to eject from their OS.
Glade Norman, SP’s Head of International Marketing, adds: “These card readers are the data bridge between devices and people. They're great solutions.”
Your Mobile Sidekick
The Mobile Card Reader connects a microSD card to any Type-C and Type-A device. With 3.1 technology, the Mobile Card Reader reaches speeds of 5Gbps and is ready for instant “plug and play.” A unique sandblasted zinc alloy gives the lightweight 10.7 gram Mobile Card Reader its gorgeous look. Users can connect Mobile Card Readers to any Type-C device and upload rich content from digital cameras, dash cameras, drones, hunting cams, GPS devices, and other digital videos. The Mobile will be available from the end of August, 2018.
The Key to Mastering Your Data
Silicon Power’s Key Card Reader features Type-A to microSD capabilities. Combining performance with ridiculously small size, users can transfer photos, videos, documents, and other important files to any computer or smartphone. The Key Card Reader’s innovative design concept turns this tiny piece of technology into a personal flash drive with a convenient lanyard hole. The Key Card Reader is a thin, lightweight tool with tons of capabilities available with an 8, 16, 32, or 64GB microSD card. The Key multi-packs will be available from July 31st, 2018.
The Protect and Connect Combo
The Combo Card Reader comes with a Type-A USB connector, hidden with a retractable sleeve, and supports microSD and SD cards. With transfer speeds ten times faster than USB 2.0 and universal compatibility, user’s cards and the Combo Card Reader itself remain protected. It weighs in at 16.7 grams and comes in white or dark grey. Silicon Power added a blue LED indicator light for intelligent charging indication. The Combo is available from the July 31st of July, 2018.
For more information, please visit the Silicon Power official website: