The RW Products Promotion Initiative (RWPPI) has announced that they've completed the fourth round of DVD compatibility tests. According to their press release, forty seven companies have participated with a total of 164 product models being tested.
The RW Products Promotion Initiative (RWPPI, Representative Director: Koki Aizawa) and the Recordable DVD Council) RDVDC, Chairman: Bon-Guk Koo) have completed their DVD compatibility tests jointly conducted since June 2006. These tests were conducted on products compatible with recordable DVD: 6x to 12x DVD-RAM, 8cm DVD-RW, 16x speed DVD-R, and 4x and 8x DVD-R DL (Dual Layer). The test results were jointly announced on 23rd February at Conference Square M+ (M plus) (Marunouchi, Tokyo). The current round of compatibility tests was the fourth round of the compatibility tests jointed conducted by RWPPI and RDVDC. In the previous round, tests were conducted on 5x DVD-RAM, 6x to 12x speed DVD-RAM (tester only), 6x speed DVD-RW and 16x speed DVD-R, and their results were announced in April 2006. Detailed results of these tests are available at the website of RWPPI and RDVDC.
The RWPPI and RDVDC plan to continue their compatibility tests when faster DVD media is developed. If you'd like to read more, the RWPPI's entire press release can be found here.