On Friday, Reg Hardware and heise online reported that Pioneer was planning to ship a combo HD DVD/Blu-ray next year. Soon after, there was talk that this wasn't true. To find out, we went directly to Pioneer Europe's Product Manager, Brendan Sheridan. Here's what he had to say:
My standard answer to the question "Do Pioneer have any plans to support HD DVD?"


"Currently we have no plans to do so..... however, Pioneer will monitor the market situation with other formats and will "consider" to adopt those formats as and where the market is demanding it".

It seems that my comments to some press people at IFA have been taken totally out of context and that it has been concluded by themselves that Pioneer would be introducing HD DVD support into our future models !!!

So, the case still stands that way..... "Currently we have no plans to do so....."
This seems to be happening way too often lately. Reporters just don't understand the technologies and are misinterpretting the comments of product managers. Please feel free to join the ongoing discussion in our forum.