Nero has announced a major update to its Nero 7 software suite. This update supports a number of new features including the ability to encode video for portable devices and stream video to the Xbox 360.
Nero, leaders in digital media technology, unveiled details today of a major worldwide update to its premier Nero 7 digital media software suite. This latest version includes more than 21 applications, with features that enable the efficient transfer of audio and video files to mobile phones and the streaming of live TV and other content to a Windows Media Center Edition PC or Xbox 360(TM). The update will be available at retail stores and online ( in September 2006. Current Nero 7 customers will be able to download the update from the website free of charge at that time.

Nero 7 is the industry-leading all-in-one solution for the management of data, audio, video, photo, and TV content. In addition to easily managing their digital files from the comfort of their living rooms, users can now create compelling entertainment experiences that can be enjoyed outside of the house.
According to sources at Nero, this update should be available for download near the middle of September. Of course, we'll let you know as soon as it is. In the mean time, Nero's entire press releae can be found here. 0 Comments
Philips will be showcasing their new Blu-ray Disc products at IFA. Along with their 25GB BD-R and BD-RE media, the company will have its Showline Media Center MCP9480i, BDP9000 Blu-ray Disc player and TripleWriter SPD7000 on display.

Philips, a founding member of the Blu-ray Disc Association is exhibiting its first range of Blu-ray Disc products at IFA 2006, including the Philips Showline Media Center MCP9480i, the Philips TripleWriter SPD7000 multi-format PC drive, the Philips BDP9000 Blu-ray Disc player and a full scope of Blu-ray Disc media, including single-layer BD-R (Recordable) and BD-RE (Recordable and Erasable) discs.
The SPD7000 is expected to ship in September with the MCP8480i being available some time before the end of the year. The BDP9000 will also launch in the US this fall and be available in Europe in early 2007. Complete details on Philips' new Blu-ray Disc products can be found here. 0 Comments
Plextor Europe has announced the launch of the PlexEraser PX-OE100E. This standalone device destroys the recording layer of a recordable CD/DVD media, making it unreadable.

Plextor today launches the environmentally friendly and high-tech alternative to the disc shredder - PlexEraser PX-OE100E. Designed for security-conscious organisations such as financial institutions, Government departments, the military, research establishments - and any company with commercially sensitive data - it is the first security device in the world which destroys data on a CD/DVD. The PlexEraser enables discs to be destroyed without the organic dye leaking from the disc - something not possible with a disc shredder/manual shattering - and leaves them ready to be recycled without any data being recoverable.
On average it takes the PlexEraser 3 minutes to destroy a CD or single layer DVD and 6 minutes for a dual layer DVD. No word on price yet. However, the PlexEraser is expected to be available in September 2006. More information can be found here. 0 Comments
Erik Deppe has released yet another version of CD-DVD Speed. Along with the usual bug fixes and improvements, this new version features new icons and improved support for HD DVD and Blu-ray.
CD-DVD Speed v4.60 - Download
  • New icons
  • Improved support for HD DVD
  • Improved support for BD-RE and BD-R(E) DL
  • Bitsetting: added support for new Asus drives
  • Small improvements and bug fixes
More information can be found on the CD Speed website. Also, feel free to share your experiences in our forum. 0 Comments
TDK sent out a press release this morning announcing that they've developed a blue laser technology capable of storing 200GB of data or 18 hours worth of high definition video onto a single disc.
TDK, a world leader in digital recording solutions, has reached a landmark in the development of recordable blue laser technology, achieving a groundbreaking capacity of 200GB. Surpassing existing optical media technologies several times over, a 200GB blue laser disc would double the capacity of TDK's existing 100GB Blu-ray prototype. One of TDK's new 200GB blue laser discs could store approximately 18 hours of high definition video (encoded at 24Mbps).

The initial Blu-ray Disc standard allows for 25GB single layer Blu-ray Discs and 50GB dual layer Blu-ray Discs. However, a recent signal processing innovation stretches the physical limits of optical media, realizing 33.3GB capacity for each of the disc's six layers. As with the 100GB disc, and other Blu-ray Disc media, TDK's 200GB blue laser disc is single sided.
If you'd like to read more, TDK's entire press release can be found here. 0 Comments
Lite-On Europe has officially announced that they will be supporting both Blu-ray and HD-DVD. According to their press release, the company will have its BDP-X1 Blu-ray Disc player and HDP-Z1 HD-DVD player on display at this year's IFA.
On this year's IFA, from 1-6 September in Berlin, Lite-On will present its first High Definition playback devices. Besides a previously announced Blu-ray Disc player, Lite-On will also show an HD-DVD player. This means that in the "battle" of the two new formats, Lite-On takes a neutral position. Lite-On believes that both formats will stay in the market for some time, and therefore decided to support both. In the end, the market will decide which format, if any, will win.
Now we just need a player that supports both formats. No word on price. However, Lite-On is planning on launching the BDP-X1 and HDP-Z1 in the first half of 2007. If you'd like to read more, Lite-On's entire press release can be found here. 0 Comments
Sony Europe has announced the launch of their new 18x "Super-Multi" drive, the AWG170A. The first Sony drive developed by Sony NEC Optiarc, the AWG170A offers 18x DVD±R and 12x DVD-RAM writing speeds.

Sony Europe's IT Peripherals division today announced its AWG170A DVD-RAM compatible DVD writer - the first Sony drive developed by Sony NEC Optiarc Inc, as part of the newly established joint venture. The AWG170A offers the industry's fastest level writing capability, supporting 18x DVD±R overspeed* writing on 16x single layer media. The Sony drives now also offer 12x DVD-RAM write/read speed, an increase of over 50%.

The AWG170A supports all DVD+R/RW and DVD-R/RW media including the latest double and dual layer DVD Recordable discs as well as DVD RAM. The Sony AWG170A delivers swift performance with over 400 tested and supported media types, including 8x recording of both DVD+R DL and DVD-R DL double/dual layer discs. Rewriteable DVDs are recorded at 8x (DVD+RW) or 6x (DVD-RW) speed but can be read at up to 13x. The drive also supports CD-R writing/reading of 48x CD Speed. The AWG170A is an Ultra DMA66 Mode 4 ATAPI device.
The OEM version of the AWG170A drive is available now in four color variations. More information can be found here. 0 Comments
HardwareZone has put together a review of LG's new Blu-ray Disc writer, the GBW-H10N. Here's a sample of what they had to say:
The new LG GBW-H10N fared a lot better in this aspect than the few early Blu-ray drives in the market, but it is still not the perfect Blu-ray solution despite its ability to burn BD-R media at an unprecedented speed of 4x. This positive achievement was dampened by the drive's lack of support for dual layer Blu-ray. A single layer 25GB Blu-ray disc support is the most you can hope on this LG drive though we are not sure if a future firmware update will add support. Fortunately, compared to the very first Blu-ray drives, which had only DVD/Blu-ray support, the LG at least supports writing to all existing formats, including less popular ones like DVD-RAM, though write speeds are not as fast as most consumers are used to.
While the lack of dual layer BD media support is a little disappointing, the ability to write to 2x BD-R media at 4x is a plus. If you'd like to read more, the entire review can be found here. 0 Comments
The German website, heise online, has reported that Maxell will not be selling their 12x DVD-RAM media in Europe due to incompatibilities with Toshiba drives. Instead, it will be sold exclusively in Japan. Here's part of their article, translated from German:
No 12X-DVD-RAM-Medien for Europe Maxell, one of the most important medium manufacturers for DVD-RAM, will not sell DVD RAM media, which can be described and read with 12X or 16X in Europe. As reason Maxell indicated serious compatibility problems among other things as Toshiba drive assemblies. The high-speed media (DVD-RAM2 called) are incompatible generally to the past DVD-RAM, which is specified to 5X. In older drive assemblies the Discs is not recognized not only, they could put also the entire computer lamely and in exceptional cases even the hardware damage.

Maxell estimates the problem as extremely serious, it has however nothing with the quality of the media to do. Since the European market for DVD-RAM is very small eh, one will sell the fast DVD-RAM2-Discs exclusively in Japan.
I can't see Maxell selling their 12x DVD-RAM media in the US either as the demand is even smaller than in Europe. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here. 0 Comments
Earlier this week, LG launched their first Blu-ray Disc products. Along with their new Blu-ray Disc writer, the GBW-H10N, LG has will offer a series of Blu-ray compatible desktop PC's. The company also plans to release a Blu-ray player by the end of the year.

LG's Blu-ray RW, the Super Multi Blue (GBW-H10N), can store up to 25 GB of data on a single disc.

The Super Multi Blue can write to Blu-ray Recordable Discs at 4x, which is the world's first, and Blu-ray Rewritable Discs at 2x. It is compatible with Blu-ray discs of all sizes and is also backward compatible with standard CDs and DVDs.

LG will initially sell the Super Multi Blue in Korea and major European markets including Germany and France.
We still have not heard when the GBW-H10N will be availble in the US. If you'd like to read more, LG's entire press release can be found here. 0 Comments