At this time we have not heard if or when the DRW-1612BL will be available in the US. As soon as we find out, we'll let you know. In the mean time, ASUS's entire press release can be found here. Add a comment
ASUSTeK Computer Inc. (ASUS), a leading provider of high-performance optical drives, today introduced the DRW-1612BL internal DVD rewriter, which incorporated LightScribe direct disc labeling technology. The innovative feature enables images to be burnt onto disc surfaces as labels using the same drive that wrote in the data. The DRW-1612BL provides high-speed 16X DVD +/-write and 8X DVD+/-R (DL), and supports 12X DVD-RAM read and write as well.
Three unique elements are needed to make LightScribeto possible: the DRW-1612BL Drive, LightScribe-compatible discs and LightScribe enabled burning software. When data writing is completed, just turn over the disc to burn graphics and text onto the disc surface as label.
That said, with all things being equal and this second round of comparisons being apples to apples -- same title, same master, same codec, same supplemental material -- it is telling that I found it almost impossible to detect any differences between the Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. And any discrepancies I did see often felt like nitpicking. Which means that this stage of the game -- at least while we're still using first-generation hardware -- I'm starting to feel like in comparing the two formats, I'm not so much reviewing software, but hardware. If I see visible noise, a difference in contrast, or wonky black levels -- are these the faults of the disc, the player, or the display device? Or a kink in the chain somewhere in between?It's good to see that the VC-1 codec has leveled the playing field some what. If you'd like to read more, Hi-Def Digest's comparison can be found here. Add a comment
The newly announced disc is the latest addition to the DVD TWIN format, discs that support both DVD and HD DVD content and that are fully compatible with both formats. The new disc boosts capacity and expands versatility with a three-layer structure offering support for two HD DVD layers and one DVD layer or two DVD layers and one HD DVD layer. Memory-Tech and Toshiba will propose the new disc to the HD DVD Forum, the industry body that defines DVD standards.
In a two-layer HD DVD configuration, the new TWIN disc has a 30GB HD DVD capacity, plus 4.7GB of standard DVD capacity. Configured to maximize standard DVD content, the disc can support 8.5GB on two layers, plus 15GB of HD DVD content on the third layer. DVD content can be played back on a standard DVD player, while HD DVD players can play back both formats.Memorytech and Toshiba still need to have the new TWIN disc approved by the HD DVD Forum. Once it is, they plan to introduce the new format to content providers. More information on the new TWIN disc can be found here. Add a comment
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The ARM Jazelle Java Technology Enabling Kit (JTEK(TM)) software licensed by Samsung is a high-performance technology originally developed for the mobile handset market. With the release of the Samsung Blu-ray player, ARM is bringing the proven success of JTEK software running on an ARM processor to the newest generation of consumer devices in the home. Using ARM Jazelle technology, Samsung Blu-ray players will unleash the power of BluRay discs that support the Java BD standard, utilizing advanced features not available on conventional DVD players, such as interactive, easy-to-use menus that can run quickly and seamlessly - without repeatedly accessing the disc.If you'd like to read more, ARM's entire press release can be found here. Add a comment
NewTech Infosystems, Inc. announced today, NTI Ninja, a new USB data storage utility that offers user-adjustable public and private partitioning as well as anti-tamper encryption and password protection for users and manufacturers of flash and other portable USB storage devices. To celebrate the launch, NTI is offering free downloads of NTI Ninja for one day only on September 26, 2006. The free download will be available from the NTI Ninja website,, for 24 hours (12:00 a.m. September 26, 2006 - 11:59 p.m. September 26, 2006, Pacific Time). NTI Ninja will have an MSRP of US $24.99.If you'd like to read more, NTI's entire press release can be found here. Add a comment
NTI Ninja was created in response to the growing demand to secure data on mobile USB storage devices. Flash drives are ideal for business people, students, and consumers who want to keep their digital data with them but don't want to carry a notebook everywhere they go. IDC expects the mobile worker population alone to increase from more than 650 million worldwide in 2004, to more than 850 million in 2009.
Primera Technology, Inc., the world's leading developer and manufacturer of automated CD/DVD disc publishing equipment, today announced its Bravo SE Disc Publisher.The Bravo SE is available now for a suggested retail price of $1495. More information can be found on Primera's website. Add a comment
Instead of copying discs one at a time and then printing and sticking labels, Bravo SE automates the entire burning and printing process. An advanced, sixth-generation robotic mechanism is used to transport discs into the built-in Pioneer DVR-111 DVD±R/CD-R recorder. After recording, each CD or DVD is individually inkjet printed direct-to-disc in full-color at up to 4800 dpi resolution. Up to 20 discs per job can be produced automatically and hands-free.
Plextor Corp., a leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance digital media equipment, today announced that the corporate identity of Plextor Corporation will cease to exist effective August 31, 2006. On September 1, 2006, a new corporate identity will be created - Plextor LLC, a partner and merged entity of Shinano Kenshi Corporation (SKC-U.S.). SKC is one of the world's largest electronic motor manufacturers.If you'd like to read more, Plextor's entire press release can be found here. Add a comment
Plextor LLC will continue to operate under its current structure and business strategies, and the company will remain located in Fremont, California. In essence, Plextor will remain fully autonomous and separate from SKCs Los Angeles-based organization.
Parallel to the new announcements to LiteOn BenQ communicated that one will withdraw oneself until further notice at least into Europe from the business with optical drive assemblies. The last DVD burner, which is sold under the label BenQ, is the DW-1670. The Blu ray burner planned first will appear no more. Support and warranty, inclusive firmware updates are however further ensured for past customers, since BenQ on other markets will offer further drive assemblies.We've heard rumors that BenQ is also pulling out of the US market. Considering that the company never released the DW-1670 over here, I'd have to say that this is probably true. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here. Add a comment
As reason BenQ Germany indicated the extremely small profit margins in the range of optical data storage. BenQ had entered only 2003 by a Joint venture with Philips into the market of the DVD burners and in relatively short time a name with qualitatively high-quality DVD burners had made themselves.