Active Media Products, a world leading manufacturer of DOMs and small form factor SSDs, today announced eight new low-profile IDE DOMs for server, industrial and embedded computing applications in capacities from 8GB to 64GB.
AMP's new Type-3 and Type-4 IDE / PATA DOMs are both designed in a low-profile orientation to fit into very tight enclosures. Both types are available in 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities. Type-3 models have an industry standard 40-pin female IDE connector, and Type-4 models have an industry standard 44-pin female IDE connector. These two new types give AMP a complete line of IDE DOMs.
All these IDE DOMs are based on reliable NAND Flash. The new Type-3 and Type-4 IDE DOMs include a write protection switch, which adds an extra level of security against viruses, file corruption, or inadvertent file deletion which could cause a failure of the embedded system. This improves field reliability of embedded computers and helps reduce maintenance costs. Jerry Thomson, Active Media Products VP of Sales, said in a statement, "These products show AMPs leadership and continued commitment to developing extremely small and reliable embedded storage solutions " All these products are available now directly from Approximate pricing is as follows: 8GB - $65; 16GB - $85; 32GB - $160; 64GB $325.