While many see Warner's decision to support Blu-ray as a sign that the format war is ending, this has had little effect on retailers. According to Home Media Magazine, national retailers, like Best Buy, are continuing to sell hardware and software in both formats.
Last week, Best Buy spokesperson Brian Lucas said the retailer would continue stocking HD DVD so long as studios release content in HD DVD and there is a market for the format.

“As far as we’re concerned there are still two formats and the format war is not really over,” Lucas said.

He said Best Buy would continue telling customers about the two formats and not take sides so they could make “an informed decision.”
As someone who reads the Sunday circulars religiously, I can say that, in most cases, retailers are giving equal ad space to both formats. However, with Toshiba's latest round of price cuts and more titles being released on Blu-ray, things could swing either way. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.