While most of Hollywood has chosen a side in the battle between Blu-ray and HD DVD, Warner Bros has stayed neutral, releasing titles in on formats. According to Reuters, Warner Bros will soon announce that they will be backing Blu-ray exclusively.
Time Warner's Warner Bros studio plans to announce it will release next generation DVDs on Sony Corp's Blu-ray format exclusively, two sources familiar with the plans said on Friday, dealing a big blow to Toshiba Corp'sHD DVD format.

Warner Bros, Hollywood's biggest seller of DVDs representing about 18 to 20 percent of sales in the United States, had been one of the few studios that backed both formats.
If this is true, its safe to say that the format war will eventually end in Blu-ray's favor. Blu-ray titles already dominate the sales charts and with Warner behind the format, there's no way that HD DVD is going to recover. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.