Transcend recently announced the release of its new 32GB 133X CompactFlash card. Designed for both reliability and performance, the card features built-in ECC (Error Correction Code) and is capable of 45MB/s read and 16MB/s writing speeds.

Transcend’s 133x CF cards target users who demand superior performance and reliability from their memory cards, including professional photographers, reporters and photography enthusiasts. To ensure ultimate compatibility and speed, these cards operate in both dual-channel and Ultra DMA mode 4 modes*. Transcend’s 133x CF cards achieve extraordinarily fast read/write speeds of up to 45MB/16MB per second on average**, making consecutive shooting and non-stop video recording with today’s high-performance digital single lens reflex cameras (DSLR) easier than ever. With impressive transfer speeds and enormous capacities up to 32GB, users are guaranteed to get the very best performance results from their high-tech digital equipment.
No word on pricing or availability. If you'd like to read more, Transcend's entire press release can be found here.