For the last few months, Toshiba has been giving away 5 free HD DVD movies with the purchase of one of their HD DVD players. While this promotion was supposed to end on July 31st, Toshiba has announced that it will continue through the month of September.
Toshiba America Consumer Products,L.L.C. ("Toshiba") announced it has extended its highly successful 5 freeHD DVD disc promotion, "The Perfect Offer," until September 30, 2007. "ThePerfect Offer," a strategic promotion started last year by Toshiba toencourage purchase of Toshiba HD DVD players, has been met withoverwhelming demand and consumer response and has contributed to strongsales of Toshiba HD DVD players.

As a result, with the purchase of any Toshiba HD DVD player, consumerswill continue to be able to select five HD DVD titles for free, from aselection of 15, via a mail-in offer. Full offer details are available at
Most likely, Toshiba is responding to the Blu-ray Disc Association's own 5 free movie offer which started at the beginning of the month. If you'd like to read more about Toshiba's promotion, their entire press release can be found here.