Toshiba has announced that they will continue to offer five free HD DVD's with the purchase of a HD DVD player until February 28th, 2008. On top of that, the company will be including copies of "300" and "The Bourne Identity" in the box of their third-generation HD DVD players.
In addition, in order to allow consumers to enjoy the HD DVD experienceright out of the box, Toshiba is offering consumers free movies with thepurchase of their third generation players. With Toshiba's new bundlepromotion, consumers will take home the highly acclaimed HD DVDs "300" fromWarner Home Video and "The Bourne Identity" from Universal Studios HomeEntertainment...

...In addition to its bundle promotion, Toshiba announced "The Perfect HDOffer," which will begin on October 1st 2007 and continue until February28th 2008. As a result, with the purchase of any Toshiba HD DVD player,consumers will be able to select five HD DVD titles for free, from aselection of 15, via a mail-in offer. Full offer details will be availableat
If you'd like to read more about Toshiba's upcoming promotions, their entire press release can be found here.