Businessweek has a great editorial about the DRM technologies being used by Blu-ray and HD DVD. According to the author, many of these copy-protection schemes are simply anti-consumer.
Having grown tired of one war, we're on the eve of another, complete with alliances, secret codes, and laser beams. No, not Iran -- it's the fight over the next generation of DVD devices. The real battle isn't between Sony (SNE ) and Microsoft (MSFT ) and their chosen formats, it's between the manufacturers and us -- the consumers, the ones who ultimately pay for it all. And the battle is over Digital Rights Management (DRM), because in addition to increased storage, these new disks are packed full of copy-protection functions, some of which impair our ability to use the content we pay for, the way we like and are legally entitled to.
It's definitely an interesting read. If you'd like to check it out, the entire article can be found here.