Over the past few years, Sony BMG has gotten a lot of bad press due to their antipiracy efforts. While not as well known as their infamous rootkit, SunnComm's MediaMax technology also caused its share of problems for the company. According to the LA Times, Sony BMG has now decided to sue the developer of the software, claiming that it "did not perform as warranted".
Sony BMG Music Entertainment is suing a company that developed antipiracy software for CDs.

Sony claims the technology was defective and cost the record company millions of dollars to settle consumer complaints and government investigations.

Sony BMG filed a summons in a New York state court against The Amergence Group, formerly SunnComm International, which developed the MediaMax CD copy-protection technology.

Sony BMG is seeking to recover $US12 million ($A14 million) in damages from the Phoenix-based technology company, according to court papers filed on July 3.
The Amergence Group has already responded to these allegations, stating that the problems were due to "Sony's under-tested release of a competitor's technology." Needless to say, this is going to be an interesting court battle. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.