While Warner's decision to support Blu-ray has had little effect on national retailers like Best Buy, Video Business is reporting that a number of smaller retailers have begun to lean towards the format. By emphasizing Blu-ray in their stores, these retailers hope to end consumer confusion and get them to go high-def.
Predicting falling demand for HD DVD as consumers learn that the industry’s leading film supplier will stop producing in the format, Trans World Entertainment, Newbury Comics, Video Buyers Group members and Hastings Entertainment are among the retailers beginning to emphasize Blu-ray.

The format war is not over, however, as 1 million HD DVD devices are in households and plenty of HD DVD titles line shelves. But there is hope among some retailers that if they proactively push leader Blu-ray, they can spur the fledgling high-def business. To date, studios and retailers have blamed format war confusion for stopping consumers from adopting high-def.
While the war isn't over, its going to be hard for HD DVD to increase their disc sales without retailer support. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.