The battle between Blu-ray and HD DVD could be coming to an end next year. According to the research firm Screen Digest, the battle could come to an end if major players decided to change allegiances and support one or both formats.
The battle between high-definition formats HD DVD and Blu-ray is also set for a resolution next year, although which side will deliver the knockout blow is still unclear.

"It would only take one major player to shift allegiances to push the tipping point one way or another," said analyst Richard Cooper.

Sony's Blu-ray has enjoyed a good year, boosted by sales of the PlayStation 3 hardware and software. With both sides engaged in price-cutting of their hardware delivery systems, 2008 will see the battle shift to the content arena.
Screen Digest isn't naming any names. However, they're probably expecting Warner to choose a side in the battle between Blu-ray and HD DVD. While the company has been releasing titles on both formats, its been rumored that they may support Blu-ray exclusively. If that was the case, the format battle could very likely be decided by the end of next year. If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.