A new study done by the market influence analytics company Cymfony shows that consumers prefer HD DVD over Blu-ray. By monitoring discussons on various websites, they also found a lack of consumer trust in Sony and that gamers did not like that Blu-ray was included on the PS3.
Among 2,000 posts randomly selected for more analysis, the company found 2.5 times more posts being impressed with HD DVD than Blu-ray, and 70 percent more posts discussing the advantages of the format over those doing the same for Blu-ray.

The most common reason for the negativity towards Sony's format was what was considered a general dislike, accounting for 24 percent of the selected posts, doubting the company's ability to launch a successful format, and it's image as an arrogant company.
I always have a hard time believing studies like this but after the rootkit fiasco, there does seem to be an anti-Sony vibe on many websites. If you'd like to read more about Cymfony's study, BetaNews has a great article about it. Also, feel free to discuss it in our forum.