Last week, the HD DVD Promotions Group announced that they had sold more than 750,000 HD DVD players. The Blu-ray Disc Association has finally responded to these claims, stating that they have sold more than 2.7 million units since the format's launch. As with HD DVD's claims, this number includes set-top players as well as Blu-ray capable gaming devices like the PlayStation 3.
Through October, there had been 2 million units sold of the Blu-ray-enhanced PlayStation 3. That arguably gives Blu-ray set-tops a 700,000 piece of overall format unit sales. But the picture is muddied somewhat by the likely gangbuster PlayStation 3 sales in November due to the introduction of the relatively cheap $399 PlayStation 3. November console sales will not be available from the NPD Group until mid-December.
If you'd like to read more, the entire article can be found here.