While 20th Century Fox won't be releasing another title on Blu-ray until June, that hasn't stopped the company from launching PerfectHiDef.com, a website dedicated to the Blu-ray Disc format. Taken from Blu-ray.com:
For the past few months, Amazon has been linking
to a Blu-ray informational website hosted by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment in their Blu-ray Disc Store. The webpage offers basic
information on Blu-ray and its capabilities; it contains enough information to answer the questions of anyone looking to enter into the
high definition movie arena. Fox has now moved this page to its own dedicated website: PerfectHiDef.com.
As many of you know,
Fox has pushed back the release of many of their Blu-ray titles. While it is rumored that Mr. & Mrs. Smith will ship in June,
its unknown when other postponed titles will show up.