USB flash drives have come a long way over the past few years. They're not only smaller, they offer greater capacities and faster speeds. Best of all, they're much more affordable than ever, making them the ideal solution to move files between home, work and school.

While each have their highs and lows, you really can't go wrong with either of Memorex's USB flash drives. Both of them feature a nice looking design, good performance and a 2 year warranty. Even then, there are some differences between the two. With its fast reading and writing speeds, the TravelDrive is better suited for those that work with large video files or disc images. The more petite Mini TravelDrive lacks its sibling's top end speed, but makes up for it with some good all around performance. It's Secure TD software is also a nice bonus.

The TravelDrive and Mini TravelDrive are available now in capacities of 256MB, 512MB, 1GB and 2GB. Suggested retail prices range from $39.99 to $199.99 depending on the size. However, both can be picked up for considerably less through some of the vendors on Pricegrabber.


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