Anvil's Storage Utilities:

Anvil's Storage Utilities is another benchmark designed with SSDs in mind. The standard storage benchmark measures a drive's performance by testing its transfer speeds, access times and IOPS.


Lastly, I ran a series of tests using Iometer. This tool can be configured to benchmark a number of things. In this case, I used it to measure the ATOM 50's read and write speeds and the number of operations per second. The tests were run using random bytes and a queue depth of 3.

The ATOM 50's performance was very similar to what we saw in our other tests. The drive was able to read at 4805.31 MB/s and write at 4573.41 MB/s.

The ATOM 50 also performed fairly well when doing random reads and writes. In our tests, the drive was able to read at 459.64 MB/s and write at 529.51 MB/s.

According to ADATA, the 1TB ATOM 50 is capable of 650,000 IOPS when reading and 600,000 IOPS when writing 4K blocks. With two threads and a queue depth of three, the drive reached 117,668 random read IOPS and 135,555 random write IOPS.

The ATOM 50's random write performance was limited somewhat by its DRAM-less controller. With an 8GB test file, it peaked at about 267,000 IOPS. Using a smaller 1GB test file, the ATOM 50 was able to bypass this limitation and reach a respectable 635,053 IOPS.