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Verbatim CD-RW BAD!

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Verbatim CD-RW BAD!

Postby Burn2death on Sat Mar 22, 2003 12:26 am

I bought 2(5pack) of these Verbatim DataLifePlus (Mitsubishi Chemicals Corp) 4x-12x CD-RW, My burner is a Lite-On 52246S Which I Just got today, so decided to do some testing with these CD_RWs, the results were very unexpected, after 10 minutes of runnng ScanDisk only about 40% done, and it shows about 90% Damaged and about 10% unreadable and maybe 1% Green, the CD keep on skipping, I tried another one of these Verbatim CD-RWs.... same thing, I thought maybe it's because Lite-On sucks (my first Lite-On) so I put in a few other 10x rated CD-RWs burned @ 12x, Scandisk results were all 100% Green, not one yellow or red square, I even burned the 24x rated CD-RW that came with the burner that everyone said that it sucks, the results was also 100% error free, my only conclusion it that these Verbatims REALLY SUCK! I'm going back to Staples tomorrow and get all my $$ back, don't want these CDs around the house for too long it might give other CDs desease or something. :x
Anyone else had any experience with these crappy Verbatim CD-RWs?
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Postby BuddhaTB on Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:33 am

I dunno what's up with your Verbatims, but mines are very good. A lot of people in these forums swear by Verbatim CD-RW disc and they are much better than Memorex CD-RW disc. Have you tried running CD Doctor on your disc?
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Postby Burn2death on Sat Mar 22, 2003 1:42 am

Have you tried running CD Doctor on your disc?

Yes C1 errors fill almost the whole screen, I didn't bother to remember the exact number of C1 and as for C2 there were some also, as the result the audio Cd skipps constantly throughout the CD.

I dunno what's up with your Verbatims, but mines are very good

That's what I thought too, it's the reason why I got myself two 5packs of them.
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Postby jeffbourner on Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:10 am

I don't know what the problem is. My Verbatim are of excellent quality and I regard them as the best
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Re: Reply

Postby Shaman on Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:00 am

jeffbourner wrote:I don't know what the problem is. My Verbatim are of excellent quality and I regard them as the best

I have been using (and other brands as well) Verbatim DataLifePlus 700MB 1X-48X CD-Rs with my LT52246S for nearly 100 burns without a single problem. My experience is the same as jeffbourner's experience and evaluation. Could be a bad "batch" Burn2death? Perhaps exchanging for another Verbatim spindle and compare results. Good luck in any case. :)
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:02 am

My LiteOn 48246S is OK with most RWs I've tried. The 1-4x Verbatims are fine and the ultraspeeds also. I don't have any of the high speed (4-10x) RWs, so I can't comment. If they don't work for you, by all means take them back- although that really is surprising. :o

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Postby Burn2death on Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:21 am

Shaman wrote:
jeffbourner wrote:
I don't know what the problem is. My Verbatim are of excellent quality and I regard them as the best

I have been using (and other brands as well) Verbatim DataLifePlus 700MB 1X-48X CD-Rs with my LT52246S for nearly 100 burns without a single problem. My experience is the same as jeffbourner's experience and evaluation. Could be a bad "batch" Burn2death? Perhaps exchanging for another Verbatim spindle and compare results. Good luck in any case.

I have good results too as you and jeffbourner with my Verbatim Super Azo 48x CD-R, but I'm not talking about CD-Rs, I'm talking about CD-RW, I have two/5pack of these, I only open up one of them, I don't think that by trying another batch I'm going to see different result because the few that I had tried they had the same bad results, not just simular but almost exactly the same.
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bad cd-rw

Postby texascbx on Sat Mar 22, 2003 2:33 pm

Toss them.You got a bad batch.You'll go crazy trying to get them to work.Better using cd-rs.
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Postby Burn2death on Sat Mar 22, 2003 4:48 pm

I just return these crappy Verbatim Rewritables and got some Sony 10x instead, I also put my Lite-On 52246S in my brother's computer and got my LG 48x back, upgraded to 8520B firmware 1.04, I find that The LG has much better burn quality with the same CDRs and CD-RWs than the Lite-On.
I'll do some test on the New Sony I just got and tell you guys about the results later.
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Mar 23, 2003 6:21 pm

I did some test on the Sony 10x Rewritables, (Richo??? maybe) only Nero Info Tool was able to tell that it's Richo so I'm sure if it is or not, I burned some Audio and some VCD files with my LG 8481B Overclock to 8520B V1.04, the result was quite good, ScanDisk 100% error free, but a few burns show 1 or 2 yellow squares, but that's still good, unlike those crappy Verbatim 12x I had earlier which shows about 90% yellow and 10% Red.
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:32 pm

Burn2death wrote:...unlike those crappy Verbatim 12x I had earlier which shows about 90% yellow and 10% Red.

The last time I checked my Verbatim cd-rw's they were 4x-10x (not 12x),

But that may have changed in the past year since I bought mine. They're 100% perfect. I have seen the new 4x-12x listed for sale in the USA, so I can only assume they're using a new dye. I've not yet seen them up here in Canada yet...

The new batch is 16x-24x

They are also 100% perfect. They're also not available up here yet. :evil:
That's @ 24x with 6S0C.

As for the Lite On 24x branded RW disc that came with my LTR-52246S back in November, it still sucks. Regardless of firmware version. The dye just sucks.

@ 24x with 6S0C:
e6400 Core 2 Duo @ 2.13ghz
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Postby Burn2death on Sun Mar 23, 2003 7:40 pm

Spazmogen wrote
The last time I checked my Verbatim cd-rw's they were 4x-10x (not 12x),

But that may have changed in the past year since I bought mine. They're 100% perfect. I have seen the new 4x-12x listed for sale in the USA, so I can only assume they're using a new dye. I've not yet seen them up here in Canada yet...

I'm from Canada too, I got those 12x Verbatims from Staples.
BTW how do you get those 24x Verbatims deliever to Canada? I want some of them too but can't find them.
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Mar 23, 2003 10:41 pm

I'm CDN (Ontario), but my retired parents have a winter home in Florida. I ordered from www.amazon.com because they can handle a CDN. credit card, but ship to an American address with no questions asked. Very few American vendors will ship to an address in a foreign country, let alone to an address that differs from the billing address in the same country.

I bought my 4x-10x discs about a year ago in London, Ont @ Staples. Obviously, Verbatim has changed their dye to handle 12x.

BTW: www.redflagdeals.net may be of interest to you.
e6400 Core 2 Duo @ 2.13ghz
GeForce 7600GT 256mb PCI-e
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Postby burninfool on Mon Mar 24, 2003 2:04 am

Check here they will ship Verbatim or Yamaha 24x CD-R/W to Canada:http://www.buy.com/corp/support/shipping/international.asp?what=intl
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Postby Spazmogen on Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:50 am

"For our International Customers only:
If you have questions about Worldwide Shipping please call us at 303-876-4014, Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM PST.
Door-to-Door Shipping Features
All orders placed must be over $500

Door-to-Door delivery of products

Wire transfer payments only"

Not bloodly likely ! $500 are they insane?
e6400 Core 2 Duo @ 2.13ghz
GeForce 7600GT 256mb PCI-e
2gb DDR2 667mhz Patriot ram 1.8v in d/c
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 F10 BIOS
WD Caviar SE16 250GB SATA300 7200RPM 16MB Buffer
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Postby Burn2death on Mon Mar 24, 2003 7:02 pm

"For our International Customers only:
If you have questions about Worldwide Shipping please call us at 303-876-4014, Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM PST.
Door-to-Door Shipping Features
All orders placed must be over $500

Door-to-Door delivery of products

Wire transfer payments only"

Not bloodly likely ! $500 are they insane?

Yes I know, I looked at a few websites my self and found the same $500 min for delievery to Canada, sucks! please let me know if you find a place in Canada that sells 24x rewritables, any 24x rewritables, even those crappy Memorex that everyone here been trashing.
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Postby Demogorgo on Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:59 pm

I have a few 2x and 4x CD-RW discs from Verbatim that have worked great for many years. They have the same label as the ones pictured in this thread, but they are obviously much older.

Verbatim seems to be using other manufacturers for some of its CD-R discs (cutting down on production?). It wouldn't surprise me if these bad RWs were made by someone else.
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