Spazmogen is always quick on the draw with the Ultra-Speeds

I can only second his remarks about MTK-Flash and Flash Fix: They sure helped when I did some systematic studies with this media for the LTR 48246S. Seems like now is a good time to pass these on...
The only significant change in write speed was in getting away from SID1 (limited to 16x). Apart from that, SS06 was about 10 sec. faster at 24x than other versions. I'm not sure how significant the error rate is- at least 10% variation between repeated burns- but SS0B seems to be pretty good on this count. I always used the same disk, fully erased between burns.
Verbatim DataLifePlus Ultra-Speed CD-RW (MC) 74min 16-24X
CD-Speed (V 1.02) write transfer rate:
- Code: Select all
Firmware SID1 SS06 SS09 SS0A SS0B
Start 15.98 11.23 10.90 10.90 10.90
End 15.99 24.37 23.67 23.67 23.67
Average 15.99 18.59 18.05 18.05 18.05
Test Burns (Nero, 651 MB / 74:05, Scans: CD-Doctor 1.0.4, max speed)
- Code: Select all
Firmware SID1 SS06 SS09 SS0A SS0B SS09 SS09
Speed 16x 24x 24x 24x 24x 16x 10x
Burntime 5:26 4:45 4:55 4:53 4:55 5:12 8:06
C1 Error (ave) 6.7 18.2 15.7 16.0 6.7 12.4 2.1
C1 Error (max) 28 162 158 148 64 40 24
Maximum C1 errors occur at end of disc.
First try with CD-R: 24x Intenso(Prodisc), burned fine at 48x (like before). No significant change in error rate either => no real need to update.