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Sony DRU-500A vs DRU-500AX ... Just a name change?


Sony DRU-500A vs DRU-500AX ... Just a name change?

Postby arklab on Wed Jan 15, 2003 12:50 am

I can't figure out the difference between the Sony DRU-500A and DRU-500AX (and their external brother, too).

Provided the 500A is flashed to firmware 1.f, the specs seem identical!

So why the name change?

Has anything else changed?
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Postby Ian on Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:11 am

I asked Sony the same thing. They wouldn't admit that the AX is nothing more than an A with the 1.0f firmware. However, they did say that the software package is a little different (it comes with the programs you had to download before).
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Postby Solr_Flare on Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:21 am

Yeah Sony is being tight about straight answers but outside of possible *very minor* hardware changes, the new "X" versions are basically just a newer complete package with the latest firmware updates, updates to all software, and all previously downloaded software included.

The more significant aspect with the "X" versions is that Sony is going to really bump up production and shipment of the drives so that you can actually find all the stuff you need. Its possible the new X drives may include a newer firmware as well that, if so, will probably be downloadable for the plain jane non-x drives.

But overall they should be identical to each other, mostly this is just an updated version of the regular drives with less online hassle needed by the consumer to download all the latest updates/software.

If you already own a non-X DRU drive I don't see any point in picking up an X model. If you don't own a non-x drive but have been wanting to pick up a DRU500 model, since the non-x versions are a pain to find right now, and since shipments will be seriously bumped up when the X models hit, you might as well just hold out a few weeks longer and just pick up a X model when the hit the stores.
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Postby VEFF on Wed Jan 15, 2003 11:37 am

The fact that they won't deny that it is basically the same drive, is confirmation enough for me:
If there were a major difference between the two designs, I am sure they would be more than happy to publicize its benefits over the DRU-5000A.

Doesn't that make sense?
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jan 15, 2003 11:53 am

VEFF wrote:Doesn't that make sense?

It does, unless the difference between the two is a fix to a design flaw in the DRU-500A that Sony would rather not reveal for fear of being inundated with angry DRU-500A purchasers demanding a repair or replacement. (my little contribution to the conspiracy theorists... :) )

There is also the chance that Sony doesn't want to cannibalize sales of existing DRU-500A inventory by promoting the X version, although this doesn't seem too likely given the reported lack of DRU-500A inventory.

Just some food for thought... I have no real knowledge.

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Postby Solr_Flare on Wed Jan 15, 2003 9:37 pm

Yah, basically the fact that they havn't said anything about new hardware makes me think that either its the same hardware as before, just updated and repackaged, or that there is some nasty potentially fatal design flaw in the DRU500a that Sony's fixed. Either way they would stay as hushed about it as they are now :)

But the 500A/ULX models will be good for the market since Sony will be shipping them in plentiful supply. The result is not only will those of us who've been wanting this drive have an easier time getting it, the prices overall will probably be less than they are now for the drives with a ready supply available to help keep costs low.
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Postby VEFF on Wed Jan 15, 2003 10:03 pm

Your thought that it could be a design flaw is an interesting theory (and is of course just that for now).
I have heard about people having to return them (there is at least one post at cdrlabs about it and one or more at vcdhelp). Then again, with an item that sold so many units, that might not be so bad. I did hear one story (maybe here) that there was a design flaw and that is why they supposedly recalled all unsold inventory (which could explain the sudden/severe shortage).
If that is the case they should recall all drives, because a class action (like the big Memorex CD-RW and Philips CD-RW class action suits that were won by consumers) suit would be highly likely if many drives started to fail unexpectedly.

Mine has worked flawlessly, and I have burned a fair number of DVD-Rs with it already...
I personally will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it is a just a 4X DVD+R firmware upgraded version and repackaged box and NOTHING more :)
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Postby Solr_Flare on Thu Jan 16, 2003 12:13 am

Yah I tend to lean more towards just a repackaging of the existing drive theory. I think a lot of those drive failures that did happen are simply part of the usual lifecycle of any new product. Really any major new product will often times have a few flaws in some of the initial shipments of the drive...perhaps a part not quite installed right, etc...those flaws tend to disapear after a couple of months on the market as they are usually just due to bad production at a factory or the like.
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Postby arklab on Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:17 pm

Thanks for the replies, guys.
I was afraid I'd been asleep or something. :lol:

Here's my theories:

1) Sony wants to bump the price, and a new model sounds more palatable to the public. :evil:

2) There IS some obscure flaw in the drive thats now fixed. I'd figure it was in the IDE controller in seldon seen situations, as I tried TWO on my Chaintech 7KDD dualie and neither would allow XP to open. Windows ME on same machine was fine. Trouble report WAS forwarded to engineering, but they never gave me a reply. see: http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... highlight=

3) Sony is concerned that all the reviews people will read about the DRU500A will talk about missing software and media problems. New name - new reviews! :roll:

4) The printer screwed-up the name on the new batch of boxes and instruction sheets, so it's cheeper for Sony to re-lable the drives than to re-print the boxes. :-?

(And for the conspiracy guys)
5) Sony's legal department sued itself, claiming that the drive would put its movie DVD section out-of-business due to rampant piracy.
The suit was settled out of court when Sony agreed to quietly put some sort of "anti-copy" chip in the new drive which will NOT allow the drive to back-up Sony movies, but the other movie studios DVD will still copy just fine! (The agreement with itself included paying for the lawyers time and costs, of course). :o

Which one do you guys think is the real reason? :P
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Postby Solr_Flare on Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:06 pm

Actually the price isn't going to be bumped up at least...for example the DRU500AX will start priced below $350 which probably means the $349.99 that the DRU500A also normally retails for. But the larger number of quantities available will mean that a lot of the online retailers like Newegg will probably get a large enough supply to start offering prices around the $325 to $330 mark for your typical drive instead of the current situation where they are overpricing because its so hard to find right now.
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Postby Funkstar on Sun Jan 19, 2003 1:04 pm

the AX drives could easily have modified hardware. It would be interesting to get pictures of the PCB from the A and the AX to see if anything has changed. Sony could easily have changed the layout slightly to make production easier, hence why this new version will be more readily available. They may have been seeing a large number of dead/malfunctioning units at the factory and have tweaked the design to remove these problems.

Most manufacturers do this with brand new products, usually known as revisions or steppings.
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