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Nero Crashes Vista RC2

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Nero Crashes Vista RC2

Postby nrms on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:17 pm

Well it installs OK under Vista; but it doesn't seem to have been very well tested (oh I forgot, we are all Nero's unpaid beta-testers) :)

Specifically, lots of RunDLL32 crashes & COM surrogate error boxes when I open an explorer windows full of AVI / MPEG / MP4 files (what are you betting Nero Scout is at the root of that one). Installation also seems to critically damage the running of Windows Media Player 11. MPeg files playback all purple & green and WMP11 hangs and needs to be kicked out. Vista is then totally unstable until Windows is rebooted.

(Advance Warning to Nero: I do not intend to PAY for any more upgrades of this unstable bloatware. I still wait & hope that Nero 7 becomes stable and bug-free; however, Nero is NOT coming with me to Vista and I will cease to be a Nero customer when I move on from WinXP).

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Re: Nero Crashes Vista RC2

Postby MonsterMan on Sat Oct 21, 2006 1:23 pm

nrms wrote:(Advance Warning to Nero: I do not intend to PAY for any more upgrades of this unstable bloatware. I still wait & hope that Nero 7 becomes stable and bug-free; however, Nero is NOT coming with me to Vista and I will cease to be a Nero customer when I move on from WinXP).


I quit being a Nero customer when version 7 came out. Unstable bloatware, thy name is Nero.

Now that ImgBurn has built-in ISO building...my need for anything Nero puts out is fading fast.

Oh, Nero 6.6 will work under Vista - at least the core burning app. I don't use the other crap.
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Postby Ian on Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:13 pm

I don't know how much beta testing they actually did with this one. They sent the build to their OEM's on or around the 11th of the month and their engineers released it to the public on the 16th. They either need to give their testers more time and/or find better ones.
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Postby hoxlund on Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:27 pm

i just feel very bad for new nero customers that are stuck with buying nero 7

i wish they could still easily pick up a copy of version 6.6
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Postby Hurricane Andrew on Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:05 am

Actually, the COM Surrogate errors are not Nero's fault, it's generally due to some bad codecs that cause the issue when browsing a folder with certain media file types. Have a look at this thread: http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?s ... +surrogate

I've actually had very good success with on RC2. Audio CD's, data CD's and DVD's, Recode, Vision, and disc scans have all worked flawlessly once I took care of the COM Surrogate problem. Don't forget, RC2 still has some issues of its own, so its a bit unfair to blame everything that causes a crash on Nero.[/url]
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Postby nrms on Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:39 am

Well if I browse the same videos in the same folder before installing Nero then everything is fine, and I don't get the COM surrogate errors.

If I install Nero, I then get the errors.

If I uninstall Nero and go back a the Restore point immediate before installing Nero, everything is fine again.

I'm not saying you're wrong but in my book what I experienced is more likely caused by Nero.

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Postby CCampbell on Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:50 pm

We do expect to find issues still with our current Nero 7 build under Vista. we just hope they are minor and quick to fix. :-)

We do know of some issues that we currently have with this Nero build under Vista. Such as 'Audible' not being support under Vista with this build, or Exporting to the PSP using Nero Recode and occasional capturing failures, etc. We will continue to improve on Vista support, and we hope the release of Nero 7.x to come out in the first few months of 2007 will resolve the and other issues.


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Postby myckee on Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:48 pm

The comm surrogate error that appears in Vista when trying to use Media player to play a video file, is caused by the Video Cd support part of Nero. There is something wtong with the codecs Nero uses. When installing, if you un-check this so that it does not get installed, you will have no com surrogate error.

I use the Koepi xvid/divx codec pack and this negates any reason to use the "video cd" codecs from Nero
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Postby nrms on Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:33 am

Hi myckee

WHere abouts do you uncheck the option to install this codec?


(I still get the COM Surrogate errors with the latest 21/11/06 relesae of Nero)
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Postby nrms on Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:01 am

Any official news from Nero about these DLLHOST and COM surrogate errors under Vista?

They occur EVERYTIME I open a folder that contains ANY type of video file: MPEG; MP4; AVI (Xvid codec); and they ONLY started happening once I installed Nero v7.5.9.0 (Nov 06 release) and are STILL occurring with Vista RTM.

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Postby myckee on Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:25 pm

Hi nrms, I generally use Nero Lite from www.updatepack.nl This is the same nero which has been modified to remove all of the 'bloatware' from the basic Nero installation.

This lite version is a bit more comprehensive in the install such that you have access to a lot more things that just get installed by default in the regular nero package. So, the lite version gives you the ability to uncheck 'VideoCD' support.

I will test out the full package and let you know which option from the full install you need to not install using the custom install option.

That said, just today Nero relesased an updated v7.5.9.0 called Maybe they have already fixed this? I'll let you know in a few mins either way.
Last edited by myckee on Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby myckee on Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:20 pm

Well, the new version, still produces a comm surrogate error in Vista. Even after doing a custom install, where the only component to be installed was Nero Burning Rom, a whole load of junk is installed in the background including the video cd codecs.

My suggestion is to use the control panel to remove the entire nero package and then go to the site I mentioned above and grab the Lite version.

When you install it you can uncheck Nero Video CD and enjoy vista and nero working together as they should, without all of the useless crap the full nero installs in the background.

The package is less than 1/3 the size of the full package, and you are given full control as to what gets installed. The same Nero you love, only better. You use your normal Nero key etc.

I too was a bit skeptical when I first came across the Lite version modified by a third party, but now I will not use anything else.
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Postby nrms on Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:15 am

Thanks myckee, if Nero don't fix this soon, I will likely go the same route as you and install the Lite edition. If a third party can do this then why the hell can't Nero take note of their customers comments and wishes in this regard.

It really is arrogance on a large scale to force all of their junk on us whether we want it or not. When they brought in the "custom" installer I was initially very happy, only to discover, like you, that you can't do a simple install of just the burning ROM app, without them installing all the core video codecs and junk at the same time. Most of the time these are only needed if you install NeroVision and/or Recode.


(Later) Oh, the Nero Lite is a bit too lite for my needs :( I do use NeroVision and Recode. Pity.

Do you know which files Nero installs and registers for the Video CD/Super VideoCD support? Perhaps these could be deleted and unregistered after the installation (in the same way as Scout is removed)??
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Postby myckee on Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:42 pm

Hopefully Nero will get this sorted out sooner than later. It isn't likley though given that this error has persisted for this long already.

Unfortunatly I do not know which files get installed for videocd.
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Postby cinemascope on Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:46 am

myckee wrote:Even after doing a custom install, where the only component to be installed was Nero Burning Rom, a whole load of junk is installed in the background including the video cd codecs.

That stuff is probably installed because of Nero Burning ROM features like (S)VCD authoring, audio format conversion, etc.
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