First thing, installed the SB02 firmware that's on Samsungs web site.
Second, grabbed a Verbatium 16x DVD+R disc from a known "good" spindle (quick note. Most of my Verbatiums show an error spike around the .7GB marker, with PIE hitting about 50. The spike shows no matter the burn speed or drive (tried 7 so far!). This batch does NOT have said spike). Used CDSpeed to make a data disc.
Burn time? 5:23.
See here:
Sorry about the pic quality. The orginal is 1280x1024. I forgot to resize the CDSpeed window before doing the cap...opps.
Quality scan in progress right now...
Quality scan:
Yikes...maybe I'll drop the firmware to the SB01. It was looking GREAT up until the 2.5GB mark...I bet this'll rock @ 8x (which is where I burn 99% of my Verbatiums anyway).
Sadly, I have no other discs that'll burn @ 18x right now. I'll order some Verbatium 16x -Rs & some TY 16x media Friday...
Now to figure out how to downgrade the firmware...
Edit 2:
Double checking the preview, I see the Verbatium DVD-R's are what did good, not the +Rs. Oppsie. Well, I'll grab some Friday.
Edit #3:
TY 8x DVD-R, burned @ 8x, scanned with BenQ 1620:
PIE way high for these discs, and PIF at the beginning of the disk is out of control. Good thing those 16x TY's seem to burn great (at least from some other peoples scans).