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So tell me I'm Nuts-NeroVision with doesn't load!

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So tell me I'm Nuts-NeroVision with doesn't load!

Postby bobmitchell on Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:45 pm

What's with that. I click on it to open...and nothing happens. I click a second time and I get a message that the app is already running??????

It's not there...


Looks like I go back to

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Postby vio_man on Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:06 pm

I can't confirm. Here loads fine but slowly.
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Postby bobmitchell on Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:34 pm

Agreed...took at least 5 minutes...

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Re: So tell me I'm Nuts-NeroVision with doesn't load

Postby bigblu91 on Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:51 am

bobmitchell wrote:So tell me I'm Nuts-NeroVision with doesn't load!

OK, Bob your nutz!

You're also right. It took about 30-60 sec. to open. Of course this was after I disabled my McAfee AV since I noticed when I tried to start it the 1st time McShield went nutz. It must think it's a virus with all the CPU usage NeroVision is using trying to get going. After I disabled the AV, it started rather slowly,(30-60sec) but it started. I didn't try to use it though. I don't know what's up with it taking 98% of the CPU to get going.

Looks like another bug added with the update. #-o
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Postby bobmitchell on Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:15 am

Mine has taken as long as 5-10 minutes to open. Just noticed that my CPU usage was around 68% after I opened the program...even though nothing is showing....guess it's time to go back to using NeroVision...The program is not useful to me in this condition.

I have e mailed Nero twice about this issue today. Last time I e mailed an issue with an earlier problem with Nero 7...they took almost two months to get back to me. Not a good sign that they fix issues and break a major module in the Ultra suite...One can hope that they do something to fix NeroVision ASAP...I won't hold my breath

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Postby tony_bedford on Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:31 pm

Do NOT install this update automatically!I went through the automatic update process the 43 meg download took around one hour, went through the install process and then at the end it said a cabinet was missing did a rollback and totally removed the previous version of Nero7version
I am now left with no Nero 7 software. Do I try to download a full version of
Can someone please advise?

What a shambles!

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:27 pm

can't hurt to try.
maybe also use the clean tools before reinstalling.
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Postby VideoRoy on Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:36 pm

I just saw this thread. I have to uninstall / reinstall to get the new version landed without errors.

I am also having very long load time on Nero Vision. 2 or 3 minutes to get it to load. I thought that it was not going to load at first.
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Postby bobmitchell on Wed Apr 26, 2006 6:16 pm

It's not you. I posted at www.abxzone.com as well...and wonderwrench answered with this

Yup your right on, Vision now takes almost forever to load. I could not get the update to work as I think the servers are getting smoked. I down loaded the complete setup package and updated that way. I also found that even though I checked the box to put a smart start link on my quick launch bar it did not give me one.

See screen shot of process explorer. Between Vision and the System process its 100% cpu usage for sure. Mostly kernel time, weird.

Just for the fun of it I imaged my drive back to a XP install before Nero was installed then installed the new build clean. Same results.
Oh well Nero needs another patch for the patch, same old story

So there you have it. Let's hope the folks at Nero read the e mails and the boards. CC Campbell used to frequent here....Let's hope he pops in from time to time...perhaps he will have a short term solution

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Postby TCAS on Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:44 am

You have posted the same thing in CDfreaks Nero forum. You are jumping all over Nero without waiting for more conclusive test result from other users, may be this problem is isolated problem with one or few user due to their system incompatibility with new Nero.
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Postby bobmitchell on Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:54 am

There seems to be a correlation between McAfee 10 and Nero! I am not jumping around. There are many different users in each forum. So far, there ARE issues with the new release and it does not seem isolated. What I am striving for is to get Nero to either patch NeroVision or at least warn others as to potential problems they might have. I am not alone in this and hopefully as a community we can get the message out.

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Postby bigblu91 on Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:42 am

bobmitchell wrote:There seems to be a correlation between McAfee 10 and Nero! Bob

Actually it appears there is a problem with other AV's as well although not as many postings in this forum. Norton and Kapersky's appear to see a problem also. The problem is Vision IS pegging the CPU to get started. Certain AV's see this as what a virus might do. I'm glad my AV tries to stop this behaviour because it SHOULDN"T happen.

tcas wrote:You have posted the same thing in CDfreaks Nero forum. You are jumping all over Nero without waiting for more conclusive test result from other users, may be this problem is isolated problem with one or few user due to their system incompatibility with new Nero.

It's a good thing he posted in any and all Nero bug forums. If he hadn't in the other you speak of, I may not have been aware of the problem as soon so I could post as a "conclusive test result from other users" sooner. Thanks Bob.
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Postby bobmitchell on Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:56 am

Anytime! It's all good if we get the benefit out of it. Hopefully, Nero will fix this...

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Postby tony_bedford on Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:23 pm

I must apologise for the cross posting. I was trying to pass on vital information so others would not have my install problem.
This is the first time I have not used the clean install method.Normally I use Norton Ghost 9 ( Version 10 is far too complicated!)to backup my software,and I use a clean install of XP so the previous install of Nero is unable to corrupt the new install!
I will not be using the update method again. The overwrite update method always seemed to work with Nero six.Hopefully one day Nero will get it right. By then I suppose They wiil be inflicting Nero 8 upon us!
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Postby bobmitchell on Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:09 pm

DO NOT waste your time with not fix NeroVision

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Postby CCampbell on Mon May 01, 2006 5:21 pm

My tests so far have shown that the Nero ProductSetup feature is working.

I've tested this on mostly clean systems, and a few 'dirty' systems that have Dr.WEB, Office, XP Anti-Spy, Microsoft Office/PowerPoint/WORD/Excel/etc, Norton AV, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Picture It, Cyberlink PowerDVD, and a number of other programs.

But I need to do more testing to be sure that it's working under most conditions.

As for Nero Vision taking forever to launch, this I can confirm. On average it's 30 to 60 seconds to launch. This is a problem we had a few years back and appears to have returned. Hopefully the cause is the same as before, as if it is, it should be easy to resolve.


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Postby bobmitchell on Mon May 01, 2006 6:35 pm


Thanks for your involvement. With you on the case...I know it will get resolved...Glad you're back!

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Postby tony_bedford on Tue May 02, 2006 12:32 pm

Hi there Craig

Saw your post about Nero install problems.have you seen my posts?
There are now two of us who have had problems wih the auto-update process.
As I reported After all my problems I eventually made a clean install using the standard uninstall method followed by using Registry First Aid followed by deleting the relevant folders in program files and then finally removing the serial number in the registry.
I found the cleantool too aggressive it totally trashed my computer.
I now always have a system backup available so I can do a clean install every time you upgrade.I obviously will never use the autoupdate again.
Whyis the process so much more complicated than the simple update process used in Nero 6
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Postby CCampbell on Tue May 02, 2006 4:37 pm

Hi Tony_Bedford,

Yes, I did see your post and others. And as I mentioned, I'm still looking into this, as some customers are running into issues, but not everyone. And so I need to find the 'catalyst' that causes this update process to fail. Once I am able to duplicate the problem, I can have our Engineers isolate the cause and resolve it.

As for Nero's General Clean tool 'hosing' your system, I must admit you are the very first person I've heard this happen too with our Clean Tool. Many have been using it time and time again without their system getting 'hosed'.

As for why is it different from Nero 6, that's simple enough. We had many customers complaining about the need to download 5 different components, and files that are 30MB or larger. So we have moved to the 'Microsoft Installer' to try and avoid install problems, and to provide an alternative to downloading a 30MB file or to know what file to download and where to download it from.

I'll admit this has been a bumpy start, but we are slowly working out the bugs in the installer, and hope to very soon have a solid process that no longer has these problems during installation update.


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Postby jens on Tue May 16, 2006 2:40 am

I noticed that NeroVision does lots of registry hits during startup. I counted 159506 registry hits on NeroVision startup (with Regmon - sysinternals.com) while producing a high CPU load. This can take a long time on a "slow" machine. Perhaps there are more registry hits depending on available information. This might take even more time. And if you have av software that looks at every hit, this might take forever.

I think this is a bug because most of those registry hits are redundant and repeat thousands of times:
Code: Select all
18.21226883   NeroVision.exe:1296   OpenKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers   SUCCESS   Access: 0x20019    
18.21398163   NeroVision.exe:1296   OpenKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT   SUCCESS   Access: 0x20019    
18.21403694   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\DLL   SUCCESS   "nvoglnt"   
18.21506882   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\Flags   SUCCESS   0x1   
18.21508598   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\Version   SUCCESS   0x2   
18.21510315   NeroVision.exe:1296   QueryValue   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT\DriverVersion   SUCCESS   0x10000   
18.21723938   NeroVision.exe:1296   CloseKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\RIVATNT   SUCCESS      
18.21761703   NeroVision.exe:1296   CloseKey   HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers   SUCCESS      
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