The serial number on my 8x Pacific Digital IDE burner starts with a "P" and shows up as a BTC 1008IM. It is my impression that all drive serieal numbers that start with a "P" are repackaged BTC 1008IM drives. Also, that drives starting with 4323 are repackaged LiteOn LDE-811s drives. Had no clue that it could have also been a NEC. has a review of the PD drive (as a repackaged liteon) and as the straight BTC drive. I'm reasonably happy with the fact that I ended up with the BTC instead of the Liteon. Since I will end up paying only 85 bucks out of my pocket, tough to complain about which I got. Looks like all of them are very very close on the tests.
Hope this helps.
(forgot to add, got my at
Anyone else find it odd that they didn't include any drivers with the drive? Windows XP Home is using a driver from 2001 for the drive and I can't find anything else that is more recent.