My main machine is still acting up (to put it mildly).

It started earlier this week while copying a CD. Because of a dumb setting, Nero tried to cache more than 32000 files on the hard drive. FAT apparently can't handle that in one directory (at least I think that's what the "no space" message meant). But then the stupid computer locked up (which it has done occasionally while accessing an optical drive) and when I rebooted, the hard drive was gone from the CMOS / NVRAM (or whatever you call it). I restored it in BIOS setup and it seemed OK afterwards (read 1 day).
But this has happened several times since and the PC locks up at irregular situations (e.g. during scandisk), has spontaneously rebooted and just now, when I was reading e-mail, it started booting, although it was turned off and I didn't touch the frigging thing. The hard drive apparently has errors, but that's definitely not the only (?) problem because it also locked up while booting with Partition Magic from a floppy. Grrrrrrr!

Any idea what could be causing this?