hoxlund wrote:please someone find out if it does steady solid 8x burns on 4x g04's
I think the current firmware ver. 1.05 could only burn the RITEKG04 discs at 4X, but since the NEC firmwares are well "maintained" by the gurus from the Firmware Page, anyone who actually owns the NEC ND-2500A should contact them so they can start working on the firmware to make more 4X discs available for writing at 8X, although NEC may have added more or different encryption to the firmware as Pioneer did to their A06/106D firmware:
http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?t=20603aviationwiz wrote:It only does 8x for about half the burn. The 708 switches from 6x to 8x at about the point that drive switches from 4x to 6x. Looks nice, but 4-6-8 is too much for me, coming from plain 6-8.
There is no doubt that the NEC has a slower burn speed for writing at 8X compared to other 8X burners, but this is the first burner which also burns DVD-R discs at 8X and for such an attractive price. Besides the writing quality of the ND-2500A for its first try, unlike the Sony DRU-530A or Lite-On LDW-811S, is pretty close to that of the Plextor PX-780A:
KProbe results of the PX-708A:
It's quite clear that NEC intends to maintain its leading market share in the DVD burner market. It's about time to start asking Plextor to provide the 8X writing for DVD-R discs with a firmware upgrade since Lite-On is going to provide it eventually.
Isn't competition great?