First off, let me say that I'm very impressed with the quality & quantity of info available in this forum!
However, after searching the forum & reading, oh, about 20 posts & ~120 threads (my eyes look a bit like this ) I've learned a lot, I've been humbled by the appearant average IQ of the members but, alas, I haven't been able to shake my problem!
Problem: Unable to install EasyWrite Reader (latest version) on my W98SE rig without getting a BSOD upon reboot.
As I mentioned above, I've read countless threads (including KCK's excellent post InCD Troubleshooting under Win98X, removed (or renamed) as few unwanted VxD's such as:
afl.vxd (Hotburn - which I never installed...hmm.)
GearCdr (dunno... maybe from Sonic's MYDVD?)
iomega (WMP plugin)
drvwcdb, drvwppqt, drvwq117 (MS Backup - which I uninstalled, but the drivers remained & thus I had to rename them)
pfc (leftover from my [very short] trial of Padus Disc Juggler)
Note: Just to be safe, I renamed the registry entries for the WMP adaptec & roxio plugins (but there were no VxDs to be found).
Even after all that, I still get a BSOD when trying to install EasyWrite Reader. What I did notice is that this new version has actually changed the driver names compared to the several post I scoped out here. This version uses:
InCDPard.vxd (4.0 / Internal name = incdpass.vxd)
InCDrm.vxd (1.0)
InCDudfr.vxd (4.0 / Internal = InCDFs)
The latter two are your standard drivers, but I haven't seen anyone list the InCDPard.vxd one yet.
Other than that...let's see: I have a few non-std drivers that I can't remove:
FASTTX2K, PU66VSD, ULTRA, PTICACHE -> Promise Tech. (for my onboard raid chip)
SPARROW, AIC78XX -> Adaptec (for my SCSI PCI card used for my scanners)
LEXARPD -> Boca Design (for my Lexar USB-enabled Compact Flash medium)
intelvsd, intelata -> Intel (for Intel's App. Accel. Driver)
and of course, we have
APIX -> ver 4.71(002) of Adaptec's ASPI driver
nerocd95 -> ver (but Nero ver =
bsudf, cdrbsvsd -> InCD
Note that I didn't install Nero's ASPI driver... ist this recommended over Adaptec's?
And the very last tidbit I can offer is that Nero's InfoTool listed only a few SW apps under Software Installation -
Adaptec ASPI, Nero, InCD and PowerDVD (v 4.00.2417).
I find it odd that it listed PowerDVD when I also have WinDVD, Sonic MYDVD, ArcSoft's Showbiz and WMP9.x - all which might want to access the CD/DVD drives.
Last but certainly not least, many thanks for any feedback & sorry if - by any chance, my question(s) were answered elsewhere - however I did do my best to avoid the newbie syndrom