While playing with the "Raw CMD" facility of KProbe this evening, I discovered that even though my drive now reports itself as an LTR-48246S and runs off the SS0C firmware, deep at heart it still knows itself to be a Memorex 48MAXX:

The hex data on the left and the ASCII translation in the middle are the data returned by the raw command I was testing. The active drive on the right is the identity string returned by the new LiteOn firmware with which I flashed the drive.
As far as I know this doesn't have anything to do with FlashFix. FlashFix doesn't modify the firmware itself. It just modifies the flashing utility to remove the safety check that would otherwise prevent you from flashing the "wrong" drive. The "Memorex 48MAXX 2448AJ" string still within the drive is probably in an EEPROM area that isn't touched when flashing new firmware. If so, perhaps that area of EEPROM is what WSES's "CLEAR EEPROM" command wipes out to render your drive irretrievably dead.
Also note the date string "20020906" in the data. My drive was made in September of 2002 according to the bar code on the box, so I assume this date is the date of manufacture. Now I know my drive's exact birthday!

I don't have any reason to believe there is any real significance to all of this. I just thought it was interesting and decided to pass it along.