by UALOneKPlus on Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:19 pm
Hey guys, I was debating whether to buy these at Target or not.
I decided to buy the 100 pack for $25 and decide later if I wanted to hang on to them or not.
The price per CD-R is $0.25. I have been purchasing Fuji / TY CD-R's at $0.05 - $0.08 per CD-R. Are these really 3-5 times better than the TY CD-R's?
The way I burn is if there's something really important, I will burn a copy onto the TY CD-R, and then a copy onto a lesser CD-R, like my imation CD-R's, so I have 2 copies just in case.
Is it worth the cost to burn onto a Verbatim Datalife CD-R?
Thanks for your opinion in advance.
"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it."
-Danny Kaye