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Verbatim DataLifePlus 48X CD-Rs at Target

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Verbatim DataLifePlus 48X CD-Rs at Target

Postby Reg-da-Ripper on Wed Mar 26, 2003 7:38 pm


$14.99 for a 50-pack spindle and $24.99 for a 100-pack spindle.

Now before anyone flames me and states that "This isn't a hot deal," keep in mind this:

(1) No rebates are involved (and I have yet to see a rebate with Verbatim CD-Rs or CD-RWs), and
(2) Verbatim DataLifePlus CD-Rs rarely go on sale. :)
Last edited by Reg-da-Ripper on Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BuddhaTB on Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:20 pm

Good deal without the rebates.

And no one will flame other people with me being a mod around here now. :wink:
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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:39 pm

Bah! What's up with that joke BuddhaTB? :roll: He never posts any useful hot deals. :x He ought to be banned from the forums! :evil:

Just kidding... :wink: 8)

As for the Verbatim deal, I agree it is a fine deal considering it involves no rebates and is for Verbatim, which as Reg-da-Ripper notes, hardly ever seem to go on sale.

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Postby burninfool on Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:39 pm

Are the Verbatims available online?If not I guess I'll have to pop a testosterone pill to counteract the estrogen rich environment of the store. :D

Congrats on making mod.
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Postby Reg-da-Ripper on Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:24 pm

burninfool: I saw the ad as part of the inserts in my Sunday paper. So before you go, don't pop too many of those pills or else you'll inadvertently pop something else. :D :D :D :D

cfitz: Yeah, you're right...what was I thinking? :D :D :D :D :D

BuddhaTB: Congratulations on your "upgrade." :) You deserve it. :)
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sat Mar 29, 2003 9:19 pm

Hey guys, I was debating whether to buy these at Target or not.

I decided to buy the 100 pack for $25 and decide later if I wanted to hang on to them or not.

The price per CD-R is $0.25. I have been purchasing Fuji / TY CD-R's at $0.05 - $0.08 per CD-R. Are these really 3-5 times better than the TY CD-R's?

The way I burn is if there's something really important, I will burn a copy onto the TY CD-R, and then a copy onto a lesser CD-R, like my imation CD-R's, so I have 2 copies just in case.

Is it worth the cost to burn onto a Verbatim Datalife CD-R?

Thanks for your opinion in advance.
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