- survey of available burners with new tests of 5 drives
- DVD copiers (transcoding software) for Windows, MAC
- transcoding software for Linux
- semi-professional authoring programs
- packet-writing software for DVD drives
- 4x DVD+RW media
- technology of 2 layer DVD+R9 media
Anyone interested in DVD-burners who can get hold of this issue should do so! It goes on the newsstands on Mon. 29 Dec. in Germany (but subscribers get it earlier
I've added the test results for the drives to RJW's thread C't test results. burners. This post summarizes the results for the DVD+RW media. Results are based on scans with an Audiodev CATS-DVD-Pro analyser.
One peculiarity of the phase-change material used as information layer in DVD+RWs is that it requires a ca. 10 cycle "burn-in" phase until it attains its equilibrium properties. These then remain essentially unchanged for ca. 500 cycles until the layer starts to deteriorate. DVD+RW are initialized (once only) to the crystaline phase at the factory and hence have not attained this state when first burned at home. This burn-in phase poses problems for a drive if the optimal write strategy is only determined in the Power Calibration Area (PCA) at the start of the disk because this may not be representative for the whole disk.
c't devised a series of tests to see how drives cope with this:
- write a 400 MiB file
- erase and write 800 MiB
- ...
- erase and write 4 GiB
Thus the inner region is written 10 times, the outer part only once.
An earlier test with the Plextor PX-708A (Fw 1.01) showed severe problems with 4x DVD+RW media in the burn-in phase. Writing the complete disk in one go was fine, though. This time they tested all 3 types of 4x DVD+RW media currently available with 3 drives.
- Code: Select all
Philips DVD+RW 4x (Philips)
Ricoh DVD+RW 4x (RicohJPN)
Verbatim DVD+RW 4x (MKM A02.9) Mitsubishi Kagaku Media
Drives (Firmware):
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Plextor PX-708A (1.03)
Ricoh MP-5240A (1.11)
Lite-On LDW-811S (HS06)
Here are the maximum (not mean) values for "PI Sum 8 / PIF / POF":
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Philips Ricoh Verbatim
Plextor 144 / 7 / 0 144 / 7 / 0 21 / 4 / 0
Ricoh 29 / 6 / 0 451 / 208 / 1 18 / 2 / 0
Lite-On 22 / 4 / 0 60 / 8 / 0 47 / 3 / 0
The DVD norm requires PI Sum 8 <= 280, PIF <=4 (+R(W)) and POF = 0.
Rating (scale of 5 from -- to ++) for this error rate and the HF-Signal (jitter and asymmetry)
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Philips Ricoh Verbatim
Plextor - / -- - / -- ++ / -
Ricoh + / - -- / 0 ++ / +
Lite-On ++ / + 0 / -- ++ / -
The Verbatims seem to be the best and LiteOn does well with all media. Strangely, the Ricoh drive has problems with Ricoh media.