I noticed that one too, BuddhaTB. I think it's a great deal considering I just bought one at Wal-Mart a week ago for $23 + tax (no rebates).
Also, wanted to mention something about the Fuji CD-Rs. I went to the nearest Best Buy (Memphis, TN) and they had a deal of 50 packs for $16.99 - $10.00MIR - $4.00MIR = $2.99. These rebates all printed out at the register. I think this is a variation from the original deal that was posted?
I grabbed the last one off the shelf where computer cd blanks reside. Then, out of pure luck, my dad noticed one more near the audio section of cd blanks over in the music department. So, in the end I'm getting 100 for about $7.00 (It made my day