I really wish Pioneer would get their act together with their naming scheme...
Since you bought the drive as a DVR-A07XL, it is definately the XL model. It is normal for your DVR-A07XL drive to be detected exactly like a DVR-A07D/107D would be. Pioneer may have chosen to keep the same device ID for the XL model as for the plain model because they didn't want to have to do extra work to get software like Nero to support the XL model when it already supports the plain model.
You should use the XL firmware with your drive. Plain DVR-A07D/107D firmware from Pioneer will not let you flash the XL model.
For everyone's reference, you can double check whether or not your drive is the XL model by using
DVRFlash. Run DVRFlash like this "DVRFlash -v D:" and it will show you some information about your drive which will look something like the quote below. For the XL model, the Kernel and Normal type will be "PIO_ADV", for the DVR-A07D, it will be "GENERAL" for OEM DVR-107D drives it may be something else...
DVRFlash.exe -v D:
Drive Information:
Description - PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-107D
Firmware Rev. - 1.16
Firmware Date - 04/05/27
Manufacturer - PIONEER
Drive is in normal mode.
Additional Drive Information:
Serial number - ############
Interface type - ATA
DVR generation - 0007
Kernel type - PIO_ADV
Normal type - PIO_ADV
Kernel version - 0002