In the case of under-permission use, these things are usually found out by insider-knowledge (contacts with distros etc), press-releases (for example it is known that Sony contract mainly to Lead-Data in Taiwan) or visual identification (Ricoh +R discs are quite obviously Ritek, and it is also generally known that Ricoh have subcontracted to Ritek for at least the last four years).
For fake-ID discs, it's guesswork, given that these manufacturers are obscure, or don't want to be caught
again though, visual clues usually give the game away. Princo and Prodisc fake-TDK media is fairly obvious as these media types are fairly distinctive. The fake-Maxell media I've seen is a lot less obvious. I have a hunch that whoever made the fake-Maxell discs I tested also make "Longten" media now, but I can't be sure. I think there may also have been other brands.
One thing I'm a little confused over, is that in searches for Longten on the web, a number of people have referred to this Taiwanese company as "infamous" or "notorious", yet I've never seen any evidence to back this up. What's the beef on this company?