QNAP Officially Releases QTS 5.0.1
QNAP Systems, Inc. (QNAP) today officially released the QTS 5.0.1 NAS operating system that strengthens overall security, with increased convenience and performance for data protection and day-to-day usage. New features include secure RAID disk replacement, Windows® Search Protocol support for NAS shared folders, and support for Enterprise SED (Self-Encrypting Drives). ARM and x86-based QNAP NAS with QTS 5.0.1 now also support the exFAT file system at no extra cost, providing users with greater options and device compatibility for large file transfers.
“In the Information Age, efficient data transfer and file sharing must factor in security and reliability concerns. This is QNAP’s goal when developing the QTS smart NAS operating system,” said Sam Lin, Product Manager of QNAP, adding “QNAP has instilled stricter security standards and granular management features to help businesses and individuals confidently manage their data while also safeguarding their digital assets and mitigating growing security threats.”
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