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Will Plextor 708a burn dual layer discs(soon)?


Will Plextor 708a burn dual layer discs(soon)?

Postby NoSmartz on Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:41 pm

Was wondering if the Plextor 708a will have the capability to burn dual layer discs when they arrive?Will the firmware updates be what makes them capable or not?


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Postby RJW on Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:14 pm

Probally it will never arrive.
Philips and MCC got 8x developped based on Philips drive design. Now I know Plextor and Philips and Plextor and MCC have a good relationship still Philips allready doesn't want to confirm that the drive they used for demonstration the New Philips 8x recorder with a different firmware will be able to do it in the end.
Philips is thinking what will be the best option.
Plan A
Get the drive working for all media this would mean tighter rules for manufacturers.
Plan B
Give the manufacturers more freedom and develop a better drive for the dual layer recording. Which means a biger change of succes since more manufacturers will support it.
Plan C
Plan B with limited support for a couple of manufacturers for the old 8x model.

It think that we can say that if Pioneer will come with a full working firmware sollution Philips will go for plan A or C in the other case they will go for plan B probally.
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Postby Ian on Wed Dec 03, 2003 2:40 pm

I have to agree with RJW. I don't think its going to happen with the 708A. A lot of drive manufacturers have already said its not going to happen with their current drive designs.
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