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Why I Hate Going To Concerts

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Why I Hate Going To Concerts

Postby Ian on Sun Nov 27, 2005 1:53 am

The wife and I went to see Big & Rich and Gretchen Wilson tonight at the Coliseum in Madison, WI. As usual, we ended up sitting by some obnoxious people. To our left, there was a pair of women in their late 30's/early 40's, a boyfriend or husband and what looked like their parents.

They were tipsy when the concert started and continued to drink as it went on. Normally, I wouldn't care, but the women insisted on talking during the entire opening act. And I'm not talking about singing along. They were carrying on a conversation. Heck, I don't think they even knew who was on stage.

By the time Gretchen Wilson came on, they were loud as hell. During some of her slow songs, I could actually follow their conversation. I finally asked them to please stop talking. One of the women stopped but the one with the boyfriend gave me a bunch of attitude. She continued to talk through the rest of the concert, but was not as loud.

I figured the matter was settled, but the little bitch ran up to me after the concert and called me an asshole. I responded by saying that she was too old to be acting like that. Her man then stepped in, saying that they were at a concert and had the right to talk. Staying calm, I said that everyone was there to hear the music. If they wanted to carry on a conversation, they should go outside. At that point, he got in my face, asking me if I wanted to go outside. I'm not one to let my fists do the talking so I just walked away.

I'm used to people acting rude at concerts, but this takes the cake. Little do these people know, but I took their picture with my phone. I'm considering posting it here so that everyone knows what kind of asshats they are.
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Postby pranav81 on Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:37 pm

I too have seen people who converse when they are in theatre.If you ask them to maintain silence,they retract rudely.

Link to the photo Ian?

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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:44 pm

Normally I wouldn't post someone's pictures unknowingly, but these people really pissed me off. Hopefully people they know will see this and realize what kind of assholes they are.
Rude People 1.jpg
Rude People 1.jpg (63.86 KiB) Viewed 4790 times
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:57 pm

Nicely done Ian!!
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Postby pranav81 on Mon Nov 28, 2005 2:24 pm

Cool down Ian.Things like these happen.

Nothing's perfect.

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Postby LoneWolf on Mon Nov 28, 2005 5:18 pm

pranav81 wrote:Cool down Ian.Things like these happen.

Nothing's perfect.


You know, with concert ticket prices these days starting around $40 for almost any decent show and going up to $120-plus (and don't get me started on service fees, there's a rant there just waiting to begin) I understand exactly how Ian feels. Concerts are for music. You want to gab? Go to a restaurant, coffee shop, etc. where you don't have to ruin others' experience to talk.

Do I want someone having conversations on their cell phone every five minutes? No (and note that many stage productions, though unfortunately not rock/country concerts, ask you to turn them off). Do I want people interfering by talking at top volume during songs so they can hear each other above and beyond the concert I'm trying to listen to? No. If that's their wish, most venues have an outer area where there are concessions, etc. where people can talk. It gets magnified further when some people drink a lot; suddenly the alcohol seems to convince them that everyone else around them is hard of hearing. In some cases, if asked politely, people will realize they're ruining others experiences and be decent about it. In this case, they didn't care, even when asked, and instead acted like he was imposing on them. Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Note that Ian didn't lose his temper at any time, and yet one of the gals was the first to call him an asshole. And the guy wanted to turn it into a fight. Big sign of nature compensating for people with small brains by giving them big mouths.

I admit, sometimes I myself think I'm becoming the "You kids get offa my lawn!" type. But people have a right to enjoy an experience they paid good money for without others ruining it.
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Postby F1Pilot on Mon Nov 28, 2005 6:58 pm

Dude. That so sucks. I hope you guys were able to enjoy at least some of the music. I feel you since I've been to my share of concerts. With the amount that we pay nowadays for a ticket, you kinda wish there were ways to keep people in line. There's nothing like an asswipe to ruin some fun.

I heard Big & Rich puts on a good live show.

At least in mosh pits, there's an unsaid code: If someone falls, pick them up so you can knock them down again. :P

Hmmm...that's an afterthought...you coulda started the first country music mosh pit. :wink:
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Postby Ian on Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:20 pm

I'm not really a big country fan, but I do enjoy Big & Rich's shows. They don't play your stereotypical country music so its got a wide audience. Hell, they have a midget on stage and a big black rapping cowboy. Can't go wrong with that.

LoneWolf brings up a number of good points. I don't understand why people even bothering going to show if they're going to get loaded and talk. You could save your self the price of the ticket and go to a bar. You'd probably get cheaper booze to boot.
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Postby pranav81 on Tue Nov 29, 2005 4:02 am

Hey,I understand the problem.But just tell me one thing,can you stop these people from spoiling your concert or a movie?I dont think so......Even if you dont like,you end up bearing these people.

Again,I am not saying that these people are behaving properly,or are not making mistakes.I am just saying that you encounter these people everywhere,and you can't counter each one of them,everytime you meet them.

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Postby JamieW on Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:24 pm

It is the attitude of the masses which accomodates these types of inconsiderations that perpetuates their existence. Your complacence on the issue allows others to practice this type of behavior and ruining it for us. I would therefore like to ask YOU as well to stop going to entertainment in which adults may have to act like adults so that those of us willing to say something not just for ourselves, but for people like you who don't appreciate the inconsideration but do put up with it because you lack testicular fortitude to do anything about it. Your presence and willingness to accept it only promotes the behavior. Your lack of appreciation of the efforts and attempts to chastize someone doing the right thing by telling someone else to stop doing the wrong thing is completly backwards and borders on criminal sympathy/victim villification and immorality.

In short.

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Nov 29, 2005 3:51 pm

my my Jamie, what an easy-going and gentle post.
i was expecting you to say something along the lines of: "well, should re-educate those people with a baseball bat. that would keep all the loud-mouth braggarts silent for a month at least" :)
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Postby JamieW on Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:14 am

I thought that was implied.
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Postby wicked1 on Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:52 pm

never been to a concert where that's been a problem but I goto slayer nin marilyn manson megadeth judas priest danzig etc where the volumes so loud you can't hear your buddy beside you screaming in your ear but if I did I woullda been pissed too. introduce them to the magical art of skull crushing.
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Postby pranav81 on Sat Dec 10, 2005 1:44 am

You got me all wrong JamieW.

What I was saying that even if you try to ask these people to shut up,they dont.You can see what happened to Ian's experience,he did ask them,but did he get the much needed silence in return?


It doesnt matter what you say about testicular fortitude,I would really like to see how much of it you have it in you.

No abuse intended.Just dont jump to wrong conclusions.

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Postby JamieW on Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:23 pm

How is that the wrong impression? You won't do it, suggest others don't, and it is because of what the response is as opposed to what it should be. There is every chance that the next time they are there, they will be more wary of their volume. I would crush you under the weight of my boys. When he goes to bed at night, the boogeyman checks his closet for Jamie. You need not wonder.
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Postby cfitz on Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:45 pm

I have to agree with JamieW on this one. You are correct, Pranav81, that Ian's request did not have the desired effect. But what if, instead of everyone just remaining silent as you advocate, the people on the other side of the loud buffoons took JamieW's advice, followed Ian's lead and also chastized them? And then the people behind them too? And the people the next row back? And so forth. If enough people speak up and let the buffoons know that their behavior is not acceptable, then a change is much more likely.

Civilized people need to stick together and enforce standards for reasonable behavior, otherwise the uncivilized people win to the detriment of everyone. All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

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Postby pranav81 on Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:00 am

pranav81 wrote:Hey,I understand the problem.But just tell me one thing,can you stop these people from spoiling your concert or a movie?I dont think so......Even if you dont like,you end up bearing these people.

Again,I am not saying that these people are behaving properly,or are not making mistakes.I am just saying that you encounter these people everywhere,and you can't counter each one of them,everytime you meet them.


I would like to clarify what I want to say.As said above in my previous post,I am merely saying that each time it is NOT possible to counter each one of them & you will get rude responses.

I am NOT saying that you should remain silent,NOR am I saying that you should bear what these people do.I just said that you encounter these people everywhere & its not possible to counter each & every time.And cfitz,please dont get me wrong,I am NOT saying that we should remain silent.Sometimes you may encounter people who behave rude in public & you may not be able to counter to some remarks,as we are civilised.So,for this thing to work we need to ask the spoilsports to remain silent collectively,not alone.I agree with the last part in your post.

Finally,everyone is free to draw his/her own conclusions.

Crush me?Do you think I am one of your boys,JamieW?

I think more clarification is not required.

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Postby JamieW on Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:30 am

If that is what you intended, then you should have said it in the first place. But to be seeming to correct the behavior is to quite clearly appear to be against it. And my boys, my berries, that from which the testicular fortitude stems. No, you're not my boy, but my boys would crush you under their girth.
A man has been charged after allegedly punching a 73-year-old woman in the face, breaking her nose and stabbing her in the arm with a corkscrew before hitting a second woman with a bottle at a wedding reception in the Whitsunday Islands.
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Postby pranav81 on Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:53 am

JamieW wrote:If that is what you intended, then you should have said it in the first place. But to be seeming to correct the behavior is to quite clearly appear to be against it. And my boys, my berries, that from which the testicular fortitude stems. No, you're not my boy, but my boys would crush you under their girth.

You definitely are under wrong impression.I would really like to see you or one of your boys.

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Postby JamieW on Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:57 am

I can't post that here. That would certainly get me banned.
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Postby pranav81 on Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:58 am

JamieW wrote:I can't post that here. That would certainly get me banned.

Same here JamieW.

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Postby Ian on Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:42 am

Please.. no pictures of anyones "boys" or "berries" here.

Anyway, I think you guys misunderstood each other. If not, just agree to disagree and get on with it.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:59 pm


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Postby Ian on Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:36 pm

aviationwiz wrote:*GASP*!


Yes, we all know that's all you have in your pants. :wink:
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