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Who manufactures Sherwood CDRs?

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Who manufactures Sherwood CDRs?

Postby Harrier on Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:36 pm

I've seen some spindles of such CDRs.
They are golden and certified for 48X writing.
The package has the same characteristics as some of RiTEKs spindles (as opposed to the photo):
-Grey saucer.
-05 recycling ordinal number.
-Flat top.

The only think i didn't get a chance to see is the serial number on the CDR itself (had it been 'JS' in it..).

Here are some photos (though the spindle picture is deceptive since the one i saw had a grey base as i've mentioned).


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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:41 pm

old media...16x !
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Postby Harrier on Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:00 pm

As i have attempted to clarify: These are not the same spindles.
The package i've seen was certified for 48X.
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Postby jase on Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:32 pm

These look very similar (almost identical in fact) to some "Multi-Play Technology" 12x and 32x media I've come across.

ATIP was 4M, I traced the manufacturer back to an unknown-name firm in Russia (the SE Asian distributor (based in UK but part of a company based in Thailand) was importing them direct from a factory near Moscow apparently).

Sherwood themselves are a fairly large US-based hi-fi manufacturer, aren't they?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jan 12, 2004 3:13 pm

sorry, my bad.
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Postby Harrier on Mon Jan 12, 2004 4:58 pm

jase wrote:These look very similar (almost identical in fact) to some "Multi-Play Technology" 12x and 32x media I've come across.

ATIP was 4M, I traced the manufacturer back to an unknown-name firm in Russia (the SE Asian distributor (based in UK but part of a company based in Thailand) was importing them direct from a factory near Moscow apparently).

Sherwood themselves are a fairly large US-based hi-fi manufacturer, aren't they?

And though the spindle seems to be presenting even tha same logo the relation between the Sherwood the hi-fi manufacturer and sherwood the vendors of these CDRs seems detached.. The spindle addressed me to the home-site which was http://www.sherwoodmultimedia.com and seems to have no info of hi-fi products.

Anyway, jase, did the CDRs you were using presented a reasonable performance level (Kprobe captures could be helpful)?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Jan 12, 2004 5:28 pm

although you might notice that the Sherwood logo (the styling of the word) looks very similar (as far as can be ascertained from the photo) to the logo of the HiFi company.
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Postby jase on Mon Jan 12, 2004 6:38 pm

Identical I'd say -- I have a Sherwood amp here beside me, and the logo is exactly the same.

But of course that means nothing. I have some "Bush" CDRs here (Bush is a well-known electrical company here in the UK, mainly putting out cheap stuff these days although they have produced some fairly innovative things such as TVs with built-in web access and so on) which are made by CMC. But a company called "Strand" bought the rights to the name on blank media so the media has nothing to do with Bush Radio plc themselves.

As for the discs, horrible things I'm afraid. C1 averages of around 60-70 with a few C2s at times toward the end, when written with a number of CD writers. But, curiously enough, they seem to last a good long time -- the 12x media is now 3 years old and I haven't had one duff disc. Go figure...
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Postby Centrilium on Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:23 pm

It's probably by Prodisc.
It can't be CMC,Hitachi Maxell or Ritek.I'm certainly sure.
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