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Who makes this drive?

Postby MediumRare on Fri Sep 26, 2003 3:50 pm

I have a new PC at work and (in addition to a Sony CRX220E1 :D ) it has a DVD drive of unknown origin. Maybe someone can me to help identify it without opening the case (although that may not help either). Here is an excerpt from the Nero Info-tool:
Code: Select all
Drive                      : IDE      DVD-ROM 16X     
Type                       : DVD-ROM Drive
Firmware Version           : 2.40
Buffer Size                : 512 KB

Apparently it can read DVD-R(W), but not DVD+R(W) or DVD-RAM. I tried KProbe on it and (amazingly) it completed a scan but with unrealistic results (very low counts). Attempts to extract the firmware or read the EEPROM with LTnFlash weren't successful, so I don't think it's a LiteOn drive (firmware doesn't fit either).

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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Sep 26, 2003 3:52 pm

I think that this is a BTC drive, but I'm not 100% sure. Could you post a picture of it?
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:17 pm

CDRecorder wrote:I think that this is a BTC drive, but I'm not 100% sure. Could you post a picture of it?

Probably not- but I'll see what I can do. In any case, this won't be before Monday. It's weekend here now. :D

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Postby dhc014 on Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:21 pm

It's an Artec/Ultima DHM-G48. I found the 2.91 firmware upgrade well worth it. I'm pretty sure that it can read DVD+R/RW discs, but I don't have it connected right now to try.

Unless it has an OEM faceplate, it'll look like this:
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Sep 27, 2003 7:32 am

dhc014 wrote:It's an Artec/Ultima DHM-G48. I found the 2.91 firmware upgrade well worth it. I'm pretty sure that it can read DVD+R/RW discs, but I don't have it connected right now to try.

Thanks for the feedback, Dave. Artec sounds more likely than BTC. There are a lot of Artec burners in the newer PCs at work and I've never seen BTC here. I'll have a closer look on Monday.

I'm not bothered (yet) about DVD+R support, but if it is an Artec, I'll upgrade the firmware because it has problems with audio CDs- hangs occasionaly.

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