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Which of these two is better?


Which of these two is better?

Postby Hank Scorpio on Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:59 am

Which of these two is better: Liteon ihas122 or LG gh22ns30?
Both are OEM.
Thank you
Hank Scorpio
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Re: Which of these two is better?

Postby Ian on Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:29 pm

Both are good in their own ways. Are you going to be burning primarily single layer discs? Do you want/need the extra features on the Lite-on?
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Re: Which of these two is better?

Postby Hank Scorpio on Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:18 pm

Yes, primarily single layer discs (with verbatim, ridata, imation and benq media)
Principally I search: Reliability, compatibility and minor noise.
Which are the extra features of the Liteon? I was searching reviews of the liteon without luck.
Sorry for my English.
Thank you Ian.
Hank Scorpio
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Re: Which of these two is better?

Postby Ian on Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:47 pm

The number of discs that the Lite-On will write to at 20x and 22x is very limited. If I remember right, its limited to Taiyo Yuden only. Even with the OverSpeed function enabled, you're only going to be able to write at 20x in most cases. The LG is a bit more flexible as it will write to both Verbatim and TY media at 22x and a number of other types at 20x.

The iHAS122 is similar to the other drives in the iHASxx22 series. The differences between it and the iHAS422 is that it lacks support for LightScribe and SmartErase, which you probably aren't going to miss. It still features stuff like SmartWrite and OverSpeed though.
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Re: Which of these two is better?

Postby Hank Scorpio on Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:03 pm

Thanks Ian
Hank Scorpio
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