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Where to get qulity cd-r media in UK???

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Where to get qulity cd-r media in UK???

Postby Serge_del on Tue Nov 19, 2002 8:51 pm

Just to want to ask where to buy quality cd-r media(X48) in UK? Which online shops sells good and cheap media with low delivery charge.

Buffer Underrun
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Postby BodHack on Wed Nov 20, 2002 2:51 pm

They sell 24x CDRW media at www.komplett.co.uk ...they also have Verbatim DataLife Plus 48x discs, and they're supposed to be good. (the 24x Verbatim discs I have are working well so far)

For cheapness, www.121cdr.co.uk can't be beaten, as far as I am aware. They sell some Ritek and Prodisc stuff, so it's reasonably good quality over there.

look in the thread up at the top of the list and check what types of media your CDR gets on well with...if I'm not mistaken, you have a GCE-8480 so the Verbatims should work well :)
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Location: England

Postby jase on Wed Nov 20, 2002 6:05 pm

Yup, the following provide good deals on media in the UK:

www.121cdr.co.uk SVP Communications, I know the guy who runs this firm and he's a good sort.





I have ordered from all these firms and all are good value for money and offer a decent service. At the moment I'd say the best buy is the FWS 48x media at 121cdr -- this is 48x Ritek media and is a very good disc (very cheap too (for the UK!) at only 13p a disc).
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