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What is your computer's name?

Postby dodecahedron on Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:29 pm

i don't know what computers have names for (except on a network?).
but they have one anyways.

my computer's name is Ancalagon.
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Postby Ian on Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:32 pm

I used to pick Southpark characters, but now my computers are named after Transformers.
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Postby Boone on Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:54 pm

XP machine at home is called "wildcat" (go watch Speed).
Linux machine at work is called "enterprise"
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Postby CignaXI on Mon Aug 18, 2003 6:06 pm

Apache, Nabajo, Apogee, Default, Unknown, etc... I install a new copy like every week, I'm always on beta testing. I guess I'm a freak :o always looking for the performance utopia. I like to use general nouns like fruits, cars, famous people like amadeus etc...
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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:26 pm

I generally use nouns that describe the computers for my computer names (i.e. Notebook for my notebook computer, Athlon for an AMD Athlon-based computer, etc.)
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Postby socheat on Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:55 pm

I must sadly admit, I spend too much time thinking up names... :oops:

Ant for my laptop (small and powerful)
Tank for one of my servers because it's heavy as hell (Dell Optiplex)
Borg for another server (first Linux machine at work which is all Macs, now there are 3...)
Postino for my little mail server
Flux for my desktop at my apartment
Mux for the firewall box I have
Qux went up quickly after Mux and I spent all my energy thinking up Mux... :wink:

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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:51 pm

Socheat wrote:I must sadly admit, I spend too much time thinking up names... :oops:

LOL :D :D :D

Socheat wrote:Borg for another server (first Linux machine at work which is all Macs, now there are 3...)

good choice! 8)

Flux, Mux, Qux... :lol:
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:52 pm

i'm thinking of a name for the next computer...
it will probably be Scatha.
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Postby David on Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:08 pm

My current machine is named Hal
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Aug 19, 2003 5:47 am

Surprisingly enough, I don't have a name for my primary machine, but I do have names for my secondary machine and my router/switch. Yeah, my router/switch has a name, but not my primary puter! Go figure!

Anyway, my secondary PC is named Orion and my router/switch is named Rigel.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Tue Aug 19, 2003 7:20 am

Data and Beta.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Tue Aug 19, 2003 11:14 pm

"Slow a$$ POS", usually...
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Postby DawnLoader on Wed Aug 20, 2003 1:33 am

Silver and Beige.
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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:29 am

''Bailey'' for my 1 Ghz machine (Named after myself...so I couldnt name my account bailey...stupid me)
"Slow" for my 200 Mhz Machine
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Postby MonteLDS on Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:58 pm

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Postby Banshee on Fri Aug 22, 2003 5:35 pm

Michelle... I have a "..and this one time, at bandcamp" sticker on her
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Postby Dartman on Fri Aug 22, 2003 7:06 pm

Glitchmaster g-9000, get yours today :P
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Aug 23, 2003 8:40 am

Atlas and Pleione. Guess which one's an Athlon and which one's a Pentium133... :wink:

Dodecahedron- can you explain your names? Ancalagon and Scatha aren't "obvious" choices (at least not for me) :o .

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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:52 pm

MediumRare wrote:Dodecahedron- can you explain your names? Ancalagon and Scatha aren't "obvious" choices (at least not for me) :o .G

i was kind of waiting for someone to ask :wink:
(does that make me an exhibitionist?)

an explanation will follow soon...
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:33 pm

well, you probably all know by now that my favorite fiction writer is J.R.R. Tolkien (check the sig, for example).

a few quotes from my well-worn, red-covered single-volume Collector's Edition of The Lord of The Rings (Houghton Mifflin Co.).


The Fellowship of the Ring, Book I, Chapter 2, page 70.
(this is just after Gandalf throws The Ring into Frodo's fireplace and Frodo takes it out).
'Your small fire, of course, would not melt even ordinary gold. This Ring has already passed through it unscathed, and even unheated. But there is no smith's forge in this Shire that could change it at all. Not even the anvils and furnaces of the Dwarves could do that. It has been said that dragon-fire could melt and consume the Rings of Power, but there is not now any dragon left on earth in which the old fire is hot enough; nor was there ever any dragon, not even Ancalagon the Black, who could have harmed the One Ring, the Ruling Ring, for that was made by Sauron himself.


(sorry, i don't know how to enter accented characters)
Appendix A Annals of the Kings and Rulers, II The House of Eorl, page 345.
'Many lords and warriors, and many fair and valiant women, are named in the songs of Rohan that still remember the North. Frumgar, they say, was the name of the chieftain who led his people to Eotheod. Of his son, Fram, they tell that he slew Scatha, the great dragon of Ered Mithrin, and the land had peace from the long-worms afterwards. Thus Fram won great wealth, but was at feud with the Dwarves, who claimed the hoard of Scatha. Fram would not yield them a penny, and sent to them instead the teeth of Scatha made into a necklace, saying: "Jewels such as these you will not match in your treasuries, for they are hard to come by." Some say the Dwarves slew Fram for this insult. There was no great love between Eotheod and the Dwarves.

here's some more about Anacalagon (clarifying Gandlaf's quote in chapter 2 of Fellowship of the Ring)
this is taken from Tolkie's great work, The Silmarillion, published posthumously.
The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chap. XXIV Of the Voyage of Earendil and the War of Wrath. page 252.
But Earendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all day and through a dark night of doubt. Before the rising of the sun Earendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin. Then the sun rose, and the host of the Valar prevailed, and well-nigh all the dragons were destroyed; and all the pits of Morgoth were broken and unroofed, and the might of the Valar descended into the deeps of the earth. There Morgoth stood at last at bay, and yet unvaliant. He fled into the deepest of his mines, and sued for peace and pardon; but his feet were hewn from under him, and he was hurled upon his face...

this bit describes the very last part of the great War of the Silmarils.

AFAIK, these two are the only named dragons in Tolkien's work - The Hobbit; The Lord of The Rings and The Silmarillion, apart from Smaug of course.
but to name a computer "Smaug" would be a little too prosaic for my taste, there are probably about 1,000,000 computers named Smaug around theh world...
Last edited by dodecahedron on Sun Aug 24, 2003 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby MediumRare on Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:14 pm

dodecahedron wrote:i was kind of waiting for someone to ask :wink:

Glad to do you a favour! 8) I should have know that that's the source...
dodecahedron wrote:AFAIK, these two are the only named dragons in The Lord of The Rings, apart from Smaug, of course.

I guess if you add a third machine you'll have to go to something like "Ouroboros" or "Norbert".

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Postby Bhairav on Sun Aug 24, 2003 12:17 am

AXP 2400+ is called "Io" because it runs hot and occasionally spews, while the Tbird 1133 is called "Shoemaker-Levy 9", as it has a tendency to crash and burn.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:13 am

bhairavp wrote:AXP 2400+ is called "Io" because it runs hot and occasionally spews, while the Tbird 1133 is called "Shoemaker-Levy 9", as it has a tendency to crash and burn.

nice names!
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Postby Bhairav on Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:26 am

Thanks :D . Your names are cool too.. are you a big Tolkien fan?
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Aug 24, 2003 8:56 am

yeah, it's obvious, isn't it? :D
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