TeacW540E (8mb) + SanyoBP1700P (4mb)
(8+4)/2 = 12/2 = 6mb

tazdevl wrote:Doesn't matter how big it is... it's how you use it.![]()
lexu8 wrote:Is this question suppose to start out with just for fun? Why are some people take it so serious ?![]()
No I'm not a pro and that is why I bought 2 Yamaha's to burnt some 400+ CDs between them two so all my DATA ,Music,Video and Importance family pictures can be store away.
So how would you use it? It true that 2MB Buffer is OK but when my POS Lite-On that come with 2 MB BURNT VERY FAST CDs But Lots of errors and alot of the CDs it burnt cannot even read back? waste lot of time and blank CDs with that last project.
I may don't know how to use it because I only using CD Burners for the past 4 years(5 Dif. units) Not long enought may be but I'm grad that I found this site so I can learn from the PRO.
tazdevl wrote:Doesn't matter how big it is... it's how you use it.![]()
Spazmogen wrote:2mb. With LG's hardware buffer under run protection & Nero's "Ultra Buffer", it's all I need.
I have never had a buffer under run with my LG drive. Even at full speed.
lexu8 wrote:Hey, eliminator What happen to your old Picture? I like that old one much much better than this one![]()
Anyway, My Yamaha CRW3200SZ =8MB, CRW3200EZ =8MB So that's 16/2 = 8Nero said 8148KB on one and 8055KB on the other
crazed burner wrote:eliminator ... I want to lay claim here to be king of the hill.
My Average Buffer = 71.5 MB.
OK go ahead and yell out “Bull….” … but I can justify the claim.
Computer 1 = 3 sticks of 256MB ram plus LiteOn 40X writer.
Nero reports writer has 2MB buffer and system has 80MB secondary buffer.
Computer 2 = 2 sticks of 256MB ram plus LiteOn 24X writer.
Nero reports writer has 2MB buffer and system has 59MB secondary buffer.
Hence Average Buffer is (2+80+2+59)/2= 71.5 MB … QED.
OK CloneCD report is less impressive … only average 31.08MB buffer … however it is still a killer.
Computer 1 = 3 sticks of 256MB ram plus LiteOn 40X writer.
CloneCD reports Buffer Settings has 22.71MByte Buffer Size plus Buffer Underrun Protection Buffer has 8.37MByte Buffer Size.
Computer 2 = 2 sticks of 256MB ram plus LiteOn 24X writer.
CloneCD reports exactly the same as for Computer 1.
Hence Average Buffer is (22.71+8.37)= 31.08 MB.
On a more serious note, how come I get ended up with 8.37Mbyte Buffer Underrun Protection Buffer using CloneCD when the writer has only 2MB physical buffer?
Could someone with an 8MB writer buffer please report back what CloneCD report on the size of their Buffer Underrun Protection Buffer under the “Settings/Buffer” tab?
Flyer22 wrote:yo eliminator what kind of post is this?
Might just put up a poll it would be easier
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