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Weekly ads starting 1-14-07

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Weekly ads starting 1-14-07

Postby Ian on Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:25 pm


Maxtor 160GB basic external hard drive - $89.98
Maxtor 160GB internal PATA hard drive - $59.98
Memorex 15 Pack double-layer DVD+R - $29.98
Memorex 100 Pack DVD+R or DVD-R Media - $24.98
Memorex 50 Pack DVD+R or DVD-R Media - $14.98
Memorex 50 CD/DVD slim jewel cases - $8.98
Memorex 50 Pack CD-R Media - $8.98

More to come...
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Postby TheWizard on Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:44 am

Outpost.com has the Maxtor 7H500F0 500GB SATA II 7200RPM 16MB Cache Hard Drive for $129.99 with free shipping.

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Postby bill on Sun Jan 14, 2007 1:42 pm

Good morning. Nice price for that Maxtor @ Outpost.

Best Buy

Maxell 48x CD-R, 50 for $8.
Verbatim multi-colored 52x lightscribe CD-R, 25 for $13.
Sony 16x DVD +or-R, 50 for $13.
Memorex DVD+R DL, 15 for $20.

Samsung SH-S183L/B, $ 60.

Western Digital 160gb SATA or PATA, $70.
Western Digital PATA 2.5 inch notebook hard drive, $70.
Maxtor 60gb USB powered hard drive, $70.
Western Digital 320gb My Book w/USB and firewire, $180.

The rest of the ads will follow shortly
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Postby bill on Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:40 pm


CompUSA CD-R, 100 for $10.
Memorex 16x DVD +or-R, 100 for $23.

Western Digital 250gb SATA or PATA, $60 after $60 rebate.

Iomega 320gb external hard drive w/USB, $100 after $30 rebate.
AcomData 250 gb external w/USB & firewire, $80 after $25 rebate.
Maxtor 500gb exernal w/USB & firewire, $200 after $50 rebate.
SmartDisk 60gb external, $70 after $20 rebate.

Circuit City

TDK CD-R, 100 for $11.
TDK 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $11.

Mad Dog 18x triple format( model-MD18XTFI), $50.

Seagate 160gb PATA, $45 after $40 rebate.

Western Digital 160gb USB powered hard drive, $140 after $30 rebate.
Maxtor 60gb USB powered hard drive, $60 asfter $30 rebate.
Western Digital 160gb My Book, $70 after $40 rebate.
SimpleTech 100gb USB powered hard drive, $90 after $50 rebate/s.
SimpleTech 250gb external, $90 after $60 rebate/s.
Maxtor 320gb external, $120 after $50 rebate.
Western Digital 500gb external, $190 after $60 rebate.

Office Depot

Memorex 16x DVD-or+R, 25 for $7.
Memorex DVD+R DL, 15 for $25.
Ativa media-
20 CD-R w/case, $6.
50 CD-R spindle, $8.
100 DVD +or-R, $25.

Maxtor 200gb PATA, $60 after $50 rebate.
Western Digital 80gb 2.5" PATA, $90.

Western Digital 320gb external w/USB & firewire, $160 after $30 rebate.
Maxtor 200gb w/USB, $100 after $60 rebate.
I/O Magic 40gb Gigabank USB powered, $50 after $25 rebate.
SimpleTech 60gb USB powered, $100 after $20 rebate.
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Postby bill on Sun Jan 14, 2007 2:55 pm

Office Max

Memorex 16x DVD+or-R, 50 for $13.
Memorex CD-R, 100 for $15.

Sony DRX830U, $80.

Maxtor 200gb external w/USB, $90.
Maxtor 100gb external, $110.
Seagate 400gb external, $150.

Two packs (100 each) of slim jewel cases, $30.
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Postby Ian on Sun Jan 14, 2007 8:18 pm

Thanks bill. I went snowboarding this morning and had to work on the basement when I got home so I didn't get a chance to look at the ads until now.
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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Postby bill on Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:40 am

Glad you took some time for R&R.. There isn't much in the ads this week except for big screen televisions. The retailers are going after the football fans.

It's almost been too hot to go outside around here lately, 57F over night and 74F for the day time high. Unfortunately, the ski resorts are taking a beating.
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Postby vinnie97 on Tue Jan 16, 2007 3:55 am

too hot? :o What the...where in the US exactly? Heat's been in short supply over a great swath of the US lately, including Dallas. ;)
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Postby bill on Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:56 am

vinnie97 wrote:too hot? :o What the...where in the US exactly? Heat's been in short supply over a great swath of the US lately, including Dallas. ;)

Yeah, I was watching the news and it looked like Texas has been getting spanked, way below the norms since Saturday. But it starts to warm up next week when I fly down your way to take a cruise out of Houston, all is good :P

We've been in a freaky weather pattern here in Virginia. Its about 5AM now and the current temp is 59.. Overnight lows have been way above the norm, so much so that many of the trees have started to produce new growth. Actually considered mowing the lawn this past weekend but decided to relax and enjoy the games.


I don't know if anyone else is interested but I just found a Bytecc adapter at Newegg that could be helpful if you often work with hardware- Bytecc SATA/PATA to USB adapter
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