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Weekly ads starting 5-28-06

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Weekly ads starting 5-28-06

Postby bill on Sun May 28, 2006 12:06 am

Office Depot

Lg External 16x DVD writer- $40 after $50 rebate. GSA-2164D???

Maxell Cd-R, 50 count for $6.

Office Depot label DVD +or-R, 100 count for $20.

a few more items-

Ridata 128mb USB2 flash drive, free after $14 rebate.

Maxtor 100g pata drive for $20 after $70 rebate/s.

Microsoft optical wireless mouse for $10.

Fair prices other on flash cards and drives.

Staples, carry over from last week

HP 16x DVD +or-R, 50 count for $14.98.

HP 52x CD-R lightscribe, 25 count for $8.98.

HP 52x CD-R, 50 count for $8.98.

Slim jewel case, 25 count for $4.98.

Sony 820 for $70 after $20 M.I.R..

Maxtor Ultra16 300g pata drive, $100 after $30 Easy Rebate.

Office Max media
HP 16x DVD +or-R, 25 count for $8
HP 52x CD-R, 50 count for $8

Best Buy

Verbatim DVD+R lightscribe, 30 count for $25

Verbatim DVD +or-R, 25 count for $8

Fujifilm DVD+R DL, 15 count for $30

Pioneer DVR-710 for $40.

CompUSA media

TDK DVD+RW, 25 count for $10

TDK DVD +or-R, 50 count for $14

No label printable CD-R, 90 count for $10

No label DVD +or-R, 100 count for $25
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Postby TCAS on Sun May 28, 2006 3:56 am

Thanks Bill for hard work and useful information.

BTW: Maxtor 200GB ATA or SATA hard drive is still listed in tomorrow Fry's Sunday ad sale for $57.77.
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Postby Ian on Sun May 28, 2006 10:14 am

I might have to pick up that Pioneer DVR-710. That's not much more expensive than an OEM DVR-111D.
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Postby unclebud on Sun May 28, 2006 9:37 pm

oops! peoples already know about all the deals! thought it was just me.
thanks to the original poster for typing it all up
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Postby Jim on Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:47 pm

Ian wrote:I might have to pick up that Pioneer DVR-710. That's not much more expensive than an OEM DVR-111D.

I picked one up yesterday using the 10% off coupon. It's a DVR-111D according to the label on the drive and includes some Nero software, which I'm sure you know. I flashed it to the Buffalo firmware and it bitsets SL DVD+R fine. I plan on putting the old Pioneer DVR-108 (Piodata firmware) into the media center pc I'm building.
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Postby bill on Sun Jun 04, 2006 8:17 am

Jim wrote: I plan on putting the old Pioneer DVR-108 (Piodata firmware) into the media center pc I'm building.

Hi Jim.

If you don't mind me asking, what are you using for a capture card ? That's assuming you will use it for capture.
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