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verbatim datalife dvd +r and -r


verbatim datalife dvd +r and -r

Postby kpassman on Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:23 pm

just got some dvd-r and dvd+r from the office depot deal. prob is that i'm not sure about the quality... read some threads but am very confused.

got the dvd-r made in taiwan with a grey bottm and a clear cd on top
got the dvd+r made in taiwan with the black bottom and two plastic rings on top. can anyone tell me if these are any good? i'm hearing ricoh and cmc? wha?
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Postby rdgrimes on Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:12 pm

They can be either Ritek, Ricoh, CMC or MCC (made by CMC). You have to check the ADIP codes to know.
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Postby DVD_ADDICT on Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:39 pm

kpassman wrote:
got the dvd-r made in taiwan with a grey bottm and a clear cd on top
got the dvd+r made in taiwan with the black bottom and two plastic rings on top. can anyone tell me if these are any good? i'm hearing ricoh and cmc? wha?

Use DVDINFO PRO to find out who the manufacturer is. I purchased the VERBATIM DATA LIFE DVD-R from office depot too. The first 2 packs I bought are RITEK and I purchased 2 more packs today. It's a good deal. I've heard about the spindle being grey is supposedly RITEK and the black spindle is CMC. Which CMC is crappy. Use DVDINFO PRO to find out who the manufacturer is. :)
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Postby RJW on Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:44 pm

rdgrimes wrote:They can be either Ritek, Ricoh, CMC or MCC (made by CMC). You have to check the ADIP codes to know.

Have I missed something ? Since when is there verbatim media with Ritek MID code floating arround?

I thought that the Ritek manufactured verbatim media should allways have the ricoh code ! Unless Verbatim changed the rules once again to cope with the to high demands.
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Postby jsl on Fri Jan 02, 2004 7:56 am

I think Ritek Verbatim DVD-Rs are sold in USA but I haven't heard about any sold in Europe or any Verbatim DVD+Rs with Ritek MID code.
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Postby RJW on Sat Jan 03, 2004 8:15 am

I haven't seen any mentioning of Verbatim media with Ritek MID Code.
I did have seen the Ricoh disc's made by Ritek showing up in verbatim 2.4x DVD+R.
So can anyone proof that verbatim now also is usseing Ritek.
It would be another bummer and it would mean that we can't trust verbatim for archiving quality any more.
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Postby jsl on Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:16 am

RJW wrote:So can anyone proof that verbatim now also is usseing Ritek.

At least there are some people over @dvdrhelp.com that claim they've bought RITEKG03 Verbatim DVD-Rs, see here and here.
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