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Ulead Yanks Blu-ray Support From DVD MovieFactory 5

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Ulead Yanks Blu-ray Support From DVD MovieFactory 5

Postby Ian on Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:55 pm

Ooops.. looks like Ulead shipped DVD MovieFactory 5 before it was verified for Blu-ray.

http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/03/29 ... y_support/

Ulead didn't say precisely why it has been forced to pull the BD code, but it explained that it and its partner, InterVideo, are "actively co-operating" with the BD licensing body, that "testing is moving forward" and that "confident that the testing process will conclude smoothly and that Ulead DVD MovieFactory 5 will earn the distinction of being the first application software to receive full Blu-ray Disc verification".

In other words, the software doesn't have full Blu-ray Disc verification, and so probably shouldn't have shipped claiming it did. Not that you'd know that it had from Ulead's press-release archive. The company's PR operatives have clearly been busy airbrushing out references to Blu-ray from press statements on MovieFactory 5, as evidenced not only by copies of the originals reproduced online on other websites at the time, but also the poor way the releases have been edited, viz:

The last part amazes me. Wouldn't the be better off admitting that they screwed up instead of covering it up? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time software shipped with bugs or incomplete features.
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Postby Ian on Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:36 pm

I got a press kit for this software today. On the front of the box it clearly says its Blu-ray and HD DVD ready. #-o
"Blu-ray is just a bag of hurt." - Steve Jobs
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